Chapter 24

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Lionblaze's POV

Lionblaze and Cinderheart hared through the trees, with Sparkpaw right behind them. The fear that radiated off of the young apprentice was unmistakable and Lionblaze was eager to find out what was going on.

They finally broke through the entrance and they were instantly met with every cat huddling in the undergrowth like scared badgers. If that was even possible.

"What's going on?" Lionblaze demanded, his ears twitching.

Everyone silently moved their heads towards the top of the gorge. Lionblaze and Cinderheart followed their gaze and at the top stood a single cat.

It was Dandelionkit.

Lionblaze had thought Dandelionkit would stay away. But obviously, his beliefs drifted away quickly. The kit was back, and she still wanted to kill Lionblaze!

"Dandelionkit!" Lionblaze yowled, flattening his ears to his head. "Why are you here?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Dandelionkit hissed. "You think I would give up that easily?"

The kit swiftly jumped down from the top of the rock, landing neatly on all four of her paws. Lionblaze was directly across the camp from the kit.

Cinderheart and Sparkpaw hurried into the bushes. Lionblaze watched them hide but he didn't move because he knew it was up to him to actually kill Dandelionkit.

Perhaps, somehow, Lionblaze could knock Dandelionkit out again and kill her while she was unconscious.

"Remember, Lionblaze," Dandelionkit meowed calmly. "I know what you're thinking. I wasn't actually knocked out. I pretended to be knocked out so I could see if you took the chance to kill me. But you didn't. I guess that's a big mistake now!"

"If I killed you, there would be no way of getting everyone back by the lake and in StarClan safely again," Lionblaze retorted. "I made the right choice."

Dandelionkit snickered. "I guess."

The kit took a few steps closer, teeth bared. Lionblaze wasn't sure what was going to happen next. On the island, the warriors of the Dark Forest had attacked on Dandelionkit's side. Could they be hiding, ready to pounce? What if this turned out to be the Great Battle all over again, with Dandelionkit as their leader?

But if Dandelionkit was all alone, Lionblaze knew this was his battle and his battle alone. The dangerous kit could kill any of his Clanmates with one swipe of her thorn sharp claws!

Lionblaze was the only cat with the right powers to defeat Dandelionkit. Maybe, if he pretended he was going to kill Squirrelflight again, the kit would back out of the fight.

Dandelionkit continued to grow closer and closer every second that ticked by. Lionblaze stayed where he was. He felt as if his paws were rooted into the ground.

Every cat in the shrubbery were staring at Lionblaze, and the golden warrior could just imagine what was going on in their heads right now.

"I can tell you're scared, Lionblaze," Dandelionkit growled, only a few fox lengths away from Lionblaze now. "It's radiating off of you like crazy. Admit it, you're not going to defeat me."

"Even if you do, what's the point?" Lionblaze questioned. "You took everyone off the islands. You don't have the land to yourself anymore. Do you just want to kill me for pleasure of blood at your claws?"

"Are you stupid?" Dandelionkit snorted. "When I kill you, there will be no other cat to stop me from killing every Clan cat... ever! Even without them being on the islands!"

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