Chapter 20

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Lionblaze's POV

The huge bear was very heavy, and the cats struggled to drag it to the place where they buried all the cats. They had all decided to bury it because they didn't want to just leave it there.

Lionblaze's claws were full of dirt and his paws seemed to cry out in pain on their own but he kept digging. The hole the cats had to make was much bigger than a cat's, and they had spent the rest of the day making it.

Ivypool and Tigerheart were digging close together, their fur just barely brushing. Lionblaze couldn't deny that the cats were truly mates, taken from the way they had been acting recently together.

Sagewhisker had joined in the digging, alongside Oakheart. She seemed to fill in Silverstream's spot next to the RiverClan tom.

Breezekit and Heathertail had stayed in camp, of course, because they were still sick. Heathertail had tried to sneak into the small patrol to come and help but Sagewhisker had stopped her.

Lionblaze was surprised Heathertail actually wanted to help dig the hole to bury the bear and Silverstream. It seemed as if she gained a whole new tank of energy just as she was getting more and more sick.

Just as the moon was starting to rise into the sky, the cats hauled the bear's body into the big hole. They had already buried Silverstream and they gave a little bit of time to give honors to her before they went to be buried.

The number of cats that had started out on the island on the first day they appeared here was much larger than the cats they had now. So many lives had been lost here and they had never gotten to see StarClan or their home by the lake ever again.

Lionblaze swallowed a lump that appeared in his throat as they padded slowly back to camp. A few clouds littered the sky but way in the distance were very dark gray clouds that seemed like they could bring endless amounts of snow. Lionblaze hoped that wouldn't happen.

Everyone was digging up some fish to eat before going to sleep but Lionblaze didn't feel hungry at all. He headed straight for his nest and soon after the warriors remaining on the island joined him with fish in their jaws.

The golden ThunderClan warrior was hoping he'd dream. He felt as if he could sleep forever as his eyes drifted shut.

Immediately Lionblaze opened his eyes and infront of him was the ThunderClan clearing. The trees up above were still crisp and leafless, but the night sky in StarClan was crystal clear, with no cloud in sight.

Maybe Cinderheart would come, bringing Sorrelstripe and Sparkpaw with her again. Or it could be Dandelionkit and Lionblaze would have to go into battle mode once again.

Sleeping was supposed to be a time of peace. Not a fighting time.

Lionblaze sat down and waited for a cat's head to poke through the entrance. His thoughts floated over to the thought of Dandelionkit.

The tiny kit was one of Squirrelflight's- and he had died when he was only two moons old because he had weakened. That seemed like it was impossible because look at the power the kit had now!

"Lionblaze!" Called a voice, and Lionblaze looked up.

Standing in the entrance of the camp was a ginger and white body with piercing amber eyes. Lionblaze recognized them as Dandelionkit and he bared his teeth.

Cats started to appear up above the gorge, looking down on Lionblaze and Dandelionkit with confused murmurs. Where had everyone been when Jayfeather died for Lionblaze?

"Lionblaze, I don't want to fight you," Dandelionkit meowed, noticing all the cats watching them with curiosity. "Just follow me."

Lionblaze wasn't sure if he could trust the kit or not- What was he thinking? Of course he couldn't trust the kit!

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