Chapter 22

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Lionblaze's POV

When Lionblaze lifted his head, he found himself in his nest. His fur was all clumped together and Lionblaze felt as if he didn't get any sleep at all.

He was the last one to leave the den and when Lionblaze stood up he realized the snow was a little bit deeper, but not deep enough to keep the cats inside because they can't get outside.

Pushing through the snow, Lionblaze headed straight for the tall pine tree. He followed through one of the paw trails that led into the medicine den before going off track and walking to the tree.

Breezekit was boucing around through the snow, his whiskers covered in a snowflakes. He looked so happy compared to yesterday. Sagewhisker was sitting nearby, watching the kit with a calm expression.

"What happened last night?" Sagewhisker asked as Lionblaze started to climb the tree. "Tigerheart said you were squirming in your nest."

"I'm about to tell you," Lionblaze growled as he struggled up the icy trunk of the tree. Once, his paw slipped and he almost fell into the snow but he saved himself with his thorn sharp claws digging into the bark.

Tigerheart and Ivypool padded out of the bush, close together and their ears perked. They quickly realized Lionblaze was on the branch and they sat down, knowing their new leader had something to say.

Oakheart appeared out of nowhere and sat next to Sagewhisker. Breezekit continued to run around, not caring about anything that was happening.

"I know why we are on the island!" Lionblaze yowled. He felt as if there was no point to climbing the tree anymore because there were basically only four cats who were listening to him.

Tigerheart and Ivypool exchanged a glance as Lionblaze continued. "Dandelionkit is responsible for getting us on this island somehow!"

"How is that possible?" Sagewhisker demanded. "How could a kit somehow transport all the cats that were ever part of the Clans onto different islands so fast?"

"I don't know!" Lionblaze replied. "My kits, Sorrelstripe and Fernsong, told me that Dandelionkit had told all of StarClan that and he had promised to kill any cat who told anyone."

"Did Dandelionkit kill them?" Sagewhisker growled.

"No, I stopped him. They escaped with Dovewing and I somehow knocked Dandelionkit out cold." Lionblaze replied, flicking his tail.

"Dovewing is dead too?" Ivypool and Tigerheart exclaimed at the same time. They exchanged a narrow eyed glance before turning back to Lionblaze.

"Yes, I'm afraid," Lionblaze meowed. "I just hope the three of them made it back up to the skies safe."

"Did you kill Dandelionkit while he was knocked out?" Sagewhisker asked. "If you did, all of this is over with!"


"What?" Sagewhisker cried. "Why not? Why wouldn't you-"

"Because if I killed him, I'd never be able to ask him how he got us on the island. I'm going to get him to tell us how to get out of here, or if he is going to just keep us stranded on these islands until there's nobody left."

"Dandelionkit isn't going to save us." Tigerheart hissed. "Are you a mouse brain?" Dandelionkit must have put us on the islands for a good reason, so why would he take us back to the lake territories again? What about all of the cats that have died?"

"I don't know," Lionblaze grumbled, shaking his head. "I'll just have to hope that I dream again tonight." And I have to hope that no more of my family gets killed. And I have to hope that I don't get killed either.

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