Chapter 4

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Jayfeather's POV

Jayfeather slowly blinked open his eyes to the ThunderClan gorge by the lake. He gazed around, taking in all of the beautiful colors that surrounded him.

His eyes landed on Yellowfang, who was sitting a few tail lengths away from him, her tail wrapped neatly around her paws.

"Yellowfang!" Jayfeather breathed. "I am so happy to see you!"

Yellowfang stayed silent, her eyes half closed. Jayfeather moved torwards her and she looked up, looking troubled.

Jayfeather forced out the question he had wanted to ask her since the past morning. "Yellowfang! How come there are StarClan and Dark Forest cats on the island?"

"I don't know!" Yellowfang answered immediately.

"Where are my other Clanmates?" Jayfeather questioned, pacing on the sandy ground.

Yellowfang sighed. "You see, Jayfeather... there's a pool of water in StarClan that I can look through to see the lake and the territories. Now... all I see... is a bunch of different islands."

Jayfeather stopped pacing, her ears perking. "What do you mean?"

"All of the Clan cats, StarClan cats, and Dark Forest cats are spread apart on different islands." Yellowfang explained. "I can see all of them."

"Are we on an island now?"

"I seem to be the only StarClan warrior not on an island," Yellowfang grumbled. "And I have delivered the prophecy to one of the medicine cats on each island."

"How did we get on the island?" Jayfeather sighed. "I don't want to be-"

Yellowfang hissed, interrupting Jayfeather. She was staring at the trees that surrounded the stone walls.

Suddenly, Jayfeather was hit forward. He fell to the ground, his muzzle hitting the sand and small rocks.

Yellowfang helped him to his feet. "Come on! Get up!" She snapped. "We have to get out of here!"

"What's happening?" Jayfeather panicked, but Yellowfang raced ahead. Jayfeather ran after her, but he instantly tripped on a root, not watching where he was placing his paws. He whipped his head around and standing there was a dark figure. Dark amber eyes burned into Jayfeather's and he felt something spark through his vanes.

The mysterious cat slashed out, and Jayfeather's head hit the ground again, a huge scratch blown across his cheek. As soon as he was scratched there was a bright flash of light, and suddenly Jayfeather was no longer able to see anything.

He was back on the island.

Jayfeather's cheek was burning like fire and he heard paw steps pounding torwards him.

"Jayfeather!" Ivypool's voice broke into his thoughts. "What happened? Did you rub against a bramble in your sleep?"

"Are you okay?" Lionblaze's voice chimed in.

ShadowClan scent filled Jayfeather's nostrils and he sensed that Sagewhisker was hurrying over to help.

Only a moment passed when he felt cobwebs pressed against his face.

"That's a nasty cut!" Sagewhisker commented as she got rid of the blood. "I wonder what got you that good!"

"Jayfeather, did you dream last night?" Lionblaze questioned.

Jayfeather didn't reply. The scratch on his cheek was stinging like ice water and lava at the same time. He wanted to screech out in pain. Jayfeather had never felt like this before.

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