Chapter 12

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Jayfeather's POV

No cat spoke to Heathertail on the way back to the camp. Jayfeather wasn't sure if he should be upset with her for killing Barkface, or sad for her because she lost two of her kits.

Lionblaze, Ivypool, Oakheart, Silverstream, and Tigerheart were about to leave to bury the three cats. Heathertail didn't come and join the patrol to help bury her kits; instead she sulked back into the nursery.

Sagewhisker was comforting Breezekit by the medicine den. Breezekit had no idea what was going on and why his siblings were missing.

"There's this place called StarClan..." Sagewhisker was meowing. "Your brother and sister went there."

"Can I go with them?" Breezekit asked.

Sagewhisker let out a heavy sigh, rubbing her head against the kit's pelt. If Jayfeather were her, he wouldn't know how to respond either.

"Breezekit!" Heathertail's voice snapped. "Get over here right now!"

Heavy paws marched across the clearing and over to where Sagewhisker sat with Breezekit.

"Come on, Breezekit." Heathertail meowed.

Sagewhisker grabbed Breezekit's scruff and twisted away from the queen. She set the kit down behind her and then faced Heathertail again.

"I think Breezekit needs some time away from you," Sagewhisker mewed gruffly. "You killed a cat right in front of his eyes. That's not going to-"

"And his siblings died right in front of his eyes, too! And that wasn't my fault!" Heathertail hissed.

"Why didn't you have an eye on your kits then?" Sagewhisker retorted.

"It was because of Jayfeather!" Heathertail cried. "I was talking to him instead of keeping an eye on the kits! It's his fault that two of my kits died!"

Sagewhisker and Heathertail both turned to Jayfeather at the same time, who was laying down in the shade alone, listening to their conversation. When they turned Jayfeather sat up, widening his eyes.

"I was being friendly and I brought you a fish!" Jayfeather exclaimed. "I just wanted to do a nice thing for you so I could be... on your good side."

"Good side?" Heathertail snorted. "Whatever, Jayfeather. You'll never be on my 'good side,' ever!" Without giving Sagewhisker another look, she raced back into the nursery and disappeared into the darkness.

The scent of ShadowClan grew closer and Sagewhisker sat down in front of him. Jayfeather looked blindly up at her and he could feel her green gaze burning back.

"I know it wasn't your fault that the kits ate deathberries." Sagewhisker started. "That was the kit's fault. And-"

"She's right!" Jayfeather snapped. "It's my fault they got out of the nursery!"

"Jayfeather, calm down!" Sagewhisker soothed. "It's okay."

Suddenly Heathertail stomped back over to the two cats. Her breathing was fast paced and quick and just by the way she came over, Jayfeather could tell she was fuming.

"Nobody seemed to care that Lionblaze killed Breezepelt!" Heathertail cried. "But now it's a big deal I killed Barkface? And nobody cares that because of Jayfeather, two of my cats died, either!"

"Heathertail!" Sagewhisker exclaimed. "Please-"

"No, don't speak to me!" Heathertail hissed. "Just leave me alone. I'm a murderer. Go ahead and spread all the rumors you want about me, I don't care!"

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