Chapter 2

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Jayfeather's POV

That night, Jayfeather found it hard to fall asleep. When he finally did, he didn't dream about anything and he was hoping he would. He was hoping he would be visited by StarClan and be given a sign of hope that they were still with them. But the starry warriors showed nothing.

Jayfeather opened his eyes the next morning, seeing nothing as usual. He got to his paws and made his way over to where his brother Lionblaze was sitting beside Purdy. Jayfeather bit back a remark about the old cat as he padded up to them.

"Hey, Jayfeather!" Lionblaze mewed, obviously trying hard to sound enthusiastic for Jayfeather. "I'm gonna go look around the island, do you want to come with me?"

Jayfeather sighed. "Sure, sure..." he grumbled.

He followed Lionblaze out of the clearing and through the trees. Jayfeather heard the waves lapping on the shore already.

"Are we really this close to the water?" Jayfeather asked, taking a few more paw steps that made him end up stepping in water.

"Yep." Lionblaze replied right after Jayfeather hissed at the freezing cold water.

"I hate this!" Jayfeather mumbled. "Where even are we and why are we here? What have we done to be here?"

Maybe StarClan was angry? Jayfeather shook his head and stepped farther away from the waterside. He ended up bumping into a furry pelt and WindClan scent rose from the cat.

"Watch where you're going, blindy!" Jayfeather immediately recognized Breezepelt's annoying voice. "Watch out for the water."

Then, a heartbeat later, something hit Jayfeather hard in the side and he ended up splashing right into the chilly water.

"Go away and leave us alone, Breezepelt." Lionblaze growled.

"No can do!"

Jayfeather got to his paws and shook out his fur. He tried to imagine Breezepelt and Lionblaze staring at eachother, their ears flattened to their heads.

"Go away!" Lionblaze meowed loudly.

"No! I have the right to be on this sand because it's all of our territory." Breezepelt retorted. "I can be here if I want to be here."

Then came the pounding of heavy paws, and a loud screech coming out of Breezepelt's throat.

"Lionblaze!" A new voice protested. "Leave Breezepelt alone!"

The heavy paws stomped over to where Jayfeather crouched in the sand. "I hate Breezepelt!" Lionblaze muttered to Jayfeather. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Jayfeather replied, licking his shoulder. "Just kind of wet."

Another tongue rasped over Jayfeather's pelt, and Jayfeather suspected that Lionblaze was just helping him fix up his drenched gray fur.

"Was that Heathertail that barged in?" Jayfeather murmured, trying to pick up a scent. But it was clear that Breezepelt and the other cat left because their scents no longer hung in the air.

"Yeah." Lionblaze replied, stifling a sigh. "Stupid WindClan cats."

"You used to love Heathertail." Jayfeather told his brother.

"Don't remind me."

Jayfeather stomped ahead through the sand with Lionblaze right behind him.

They came across the area where the RiverClan cats were providing everyone with food. Oakheart seemed that he was showing Tigerheart how to fish but the ShadowClan tom wasn't catching on.

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