Chapter 23

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Lionblaze's POV

Lionblaze blinked open his amber eyes. He was confused for a moment as why he was staring at cool green treetops instead of the sun. Lionblaze simply didn't care so he closed his eyes. But then they shot open again, and Lionblaze scrambled to his paws.

All around him lay many different pelts. The scent of ThunderClan overwhelmed Lionblaze's senses and it seemed unusual. That's when he realized Dandelionkit had actually taken the cats back to their homes by the lake again so then Lionblaze didn't kill Squirrelflight.

A gray pelt caught Lionblaze's eyes and they turned. Blue orbs met his gaze and before Lionblaze could take another breath, the sweet smell of Cinderheart bowled into him.

"Oh, Lionblaze, we are back home!" Cinderheart exclaimed happily.

Once they pulled away, Lionblaze looked at her up and down. "How are you still alive? Didn't Dandelionkit kill you?"

"I don't know!" Cinderheart replied. "At least I thought he did!"

There was the sound of loud pawsteps and Lionblaze looked beyond Cinderheart to see his three kits rushing up to the couple.

"Cinderheart! Lionblaze!" They all meowed happily, and the family all grouped together. The sound of the purrs rumbling out of them seemed to shake the ground.

"I'm so glad all of you are safe!" Lionblaze meowed. Tears were running down his face but this time they actually weren't sad. They were tears of joy to see his three children and wonderful mate together after so long.

But then a loud call from the Highrock caught Lionblaze's attention, and everyone turned. Up above stood Bramblestar, his bushy tail sweeping back and forth.

"What has happened?" Bramblestar questioned, his gaze scanning all the cats below him. "Is everyone okay? Are there any missing cats?"

"StarClan is upset with us!" Graystripe feared.

"They can't be!" Brackenfur mewed. "They were with us on the islands! How could they be mad?"

"How are we suddenly back home?" Ambermoon wondered. "And how did we get on the island in the first place?"

"I'm scared!" Leafkit shrieked.

Suddenly, a pale gray pelt started to struggle up the stones to get up to the highrock. It was Lionblaze's brother, Jayfeather!

"Get down from there!" Millie demanded. "You'll fall because you're blind!"

"Shut up!" Jayfeather snapped. "I have something to say!"

His blind gaze swept the crowd of ThunderClan cats before it landed on Lionblaze. The way Jayfeather found his brother so easily while being blind was kind of creepy.

"Lionblaze," Jayfeather beckoned. "Get up here."

Lionblaze got to his paws and the ThunderClan cats parted ways so the powerful golden warrior could come through. He easily and quickly hopped up the stones, much faster than Jayfeather had done.

When the brothers gathered together up at the Highrock, Bramblestar dipped his head and jumped down, probably suspecting they had something to say.

"We can answer all of your questions," Jayfeather started, exchanging a cloudy glance with Lionblaze.

The cats below were deathly silent, so Jayfeather continued. "Lionblaze and I know how we got onto the islands in the first place."

That's when the clearing exploded into questions. Berrynose and Thornclaw jumped to their paws, their tails lashing. Lilyheart wrapped her tail around her kits protectively.

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