Chapter 11

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Lionblaze's POV

Once Jayfeather had left him alone in his nest, Lionblaze curled up tight, his fluffy tail wrapped around his nose. He felt like he could sleep forever. Lionblaze never wanted to see the island again.

Suddenly there was a warm breeze that ruffled Lionblaze's fur. He flickered open his eyes and was surprised by the brightness that surrounded him.

Lionblaze realized he wasn't in his nest anymore. Around him stretched a meadow that had dandelions everywhere. He sat up and some of the white seeds went flying up into the air.

He twisted his head all around, trying to figure out where he was. But the meadow stretched far out in every direction. Lionblaze realized this might be another dream with Yellowfang. But where could the grumpy old cat be?

Then, Lionblaze's eyes got hooked on something moving in the grass. There was a kit bouncing all around, sending the dandelion seeds flying up everywhere. Lionblaze watched them float away, and he wondered if they would ever land somewhere.

He looked back at the kit and she continued to hop along happily through the dandelions. They continued to grow closer and they still hadn't noticed the golden warrior sitting there right in the open.

The kit then looked up and their eyes landed on Lionblaze. They stopped in their tracks, their tail lowering to the ground. Their amber gaze seemed to pierce through Lionblaze's heart and he wanted to run away, and get as far away from this kit as possible. But he found himself frozen to the spot ad the two cats stared at each other.

Lionblaze opened his mouth to say something, but the kit lowered to the ground, their ears flattening to their head and their teeth bared.

"Why are you here?" The kit growled. Their voice surprised Lionblaze, as it sounded like a grown she-cat's meow would usually sound.

"Why are you here?" The she-kit repeated, lowering to the ground further.

Lionblaze didn't know how to answer. All he knew was that he was in a dream but he had never seen this place before and he had absolutely no idea what to say.

Suddenly, the kit leaped at Lionblaze, and the force of their tiny body knocked Lionblaze over! The ThunderClan warrior let out a mrrow of surprise as he and the kit tumbled through the dandelions.

They stopped moving and Lionblaze found himself underneath the kit. She lifted her paw and out slid some of the longest claws for a kit that Lionblaze had ever seen. The she-kit brought her paw down to his face and ripped her claws through his fur, snagging open his skin. Lionblaze let out a yowl as the pain stung like nothing he had ever felt before.

Lionblaze jerked his body to the side and he found himself in his nest. His cheek was stinging like he had just gotten stung by bees repeatedly.

He rushed out of the warriors den and scrambled to the medicine cat den. He felt blood dripping down his cheek and it left a trail on the frosty ground. How could Lionblaze be bleeding? Weren't his powers coming back? That's what he had believed, but he got injured by that kit!

When Lionblaze finally stumbled into the medicine den, the only cat he found in there was Jayfeather. He was rapidly assorting herbs and he didn't even realize Lionblaze had come in.

"Jayfeather!" Lionblaze meowed loudly, and the blind medicine cat ended up jumping wildly in surprise.

"What?" Jayfeather snorted as he twisted around. "Lionblaze, is that you?"

"Yes, it's me!" Lionblaze exclaimed. "I'm bleeding!"

Jayfeather's blue eyes widened. "Huh?"

The ThunderClan medicine cat padded up to Lionblaze, sniffing him down.

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