Chapter 17

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Lionblaze's POV

Lionblaze couldn't believe his eyes. He stood up, shaking out his fur. All around him, snow piled everywhere. Luckily it wasn't too deep and Lionblaze would be able to walk through it easily.

Trodding out of the den, he saw Oakheart and Silverstream digging through the snow. They hadn't noticed Lionblaze yet, but the golden warrior knew they were burying the fish in the snow so then it wouldn't turn into gross crow food.

A squeak came from the nursery, and Lionblaze turned his head to see Sagewhisker picking Breezekit up from the nursery. Heathertail was sitting close by, her pelt bunched up to keep out the cold.

Dropping Breezekit in front of Heathertail, Sagewhisker twitched her ears. "The snow broke into the nursery. Breezekit will stay in the nursery until we do repairs to it. But we must be careful when we're around him, because-"

"Yes, I know, he has whitecough!" Heathertail finished the ShadowClan medicine cat's sentence.

Sagewhisker sulked back into the medicine den, with Heathertail carrying Breezekit right behind her.

"Heathertail, can I play in the snow?" Breezekit piped.

"No, you have whitecough!" Heathertail mewed flatly. "You need to stay in your nest and stay warm."

Lionblaze looked back over to where Oakheart and Silverstream were working. They were pushing the snow back over top the fish. Hopefully they wouldn't completely freeze so the cats couldn't eat them.

"We buried all of the fish," Silverstream told Lionblaze. "My paws are frozen!"

"I know, I saw," Lionblaze mewed, glancing around the snow barren clearing. "You would have thought islands wouldn't get this kind of weather. But I guess they do!"

"What's the difference?" Silverstream asked. "They both have dry land, I don't see why the island wouldn't be able to get snow like our normal territories."

Lionblaze nodded his head. Silverstream was probably right. He just didn't know because this wasn't their normal home!

Perhaps he should just call the island his normal home. What were the chances of getting back home? Who knew how far away they were from the lake?

Then his thoughts drifted back to the dream last night when he thought about weather. The clouds in StarClan were probably just caused by Dandelionkit and his... wrath, Lionblaze could call it.

He hoped Cinderheart and Sorrelstripe had escaped safely. Lionblaze was upset that two members of his family were dead now. Thinking of Sorrelstripe's death, it made him wonder what happened to his son.

"Lionblaze?" Ivypool's meow snapped him out of his thoughts. He looked down to her and she was looking around curiously. "Have you seen Tigerheart?"

"N-no..." Lionblaze stuttered. "I haven't."

"That's okay," Ivypool replied. "I'm bound to find him evantually because this dumb island is so small!"

She scurried off into the bushes and Lionblaze watched snow fly up into the air like a white mist.

There was coughing from the medicine den and Sagewhisker pushed Heathertail out of the entrance.

"Go for a walk or something!" Sagewhisker meowed quickly. "Breezekit is getting worse and I'm running out of herbs!"

"What about you?" Heathertail retorted. "What if you get sick? You're the island's only medicine cat now. Maybe you should stay away from Breezekit."

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