Chapter 5

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Lionblaze's POV

"Did you dream about anything last night?" Lionblaze asked Jayfeather as they took a walk around the island.

"No," Jayfeather grumbled. "I really wish I did, though."

They padded in silence for a moment, and they both allowed a little bit of water swirl around their paws every time it lapped against the shore. It was still early in the morning and the sun was still rising on the horizon.

"I want to figure out who the cat is, that clawed me," Jayfeather murmured. "They must have some pretty sharp claws, just by looking at my scratch, you can tell..."

A heartbeat after he finished his sentence, there was a call from the clearing at the center of the island.

"We'd better get to the clearing," Lionblaze suggested, turning away from the path he and his brother had been taking around the island. Soon he felt the soft grass under his paws and before he knew it they were passing through the trees and the clearing opened up in front of them.

Oakheart was seated on the high branch, his gaze sweeping over all of the cats that were already there.

Heathertail and Breezepelt sat down next to each other, their tails entwined. Mothwing and Sagewhisker sat close together, a pile of herbs in front of them. Barkface joined them a moment later, setting down another herb.

"The medicine cats and I have made a decision," Oakheart meowed to everyone. "We should make a medicine den, warriors den, and all of that for everyone like a normal camp would have."

"The medicine cats made a decision?" Jayfeather snorted. "They totally left out my opinion on whatever they're doing!"

"Barkface, Sagewhisker, and Mothwing have found lots of herbs on this island that could help any cat if they get sick or injured here." Oakheart explained. "Cats from every Clan will share the warriors den, as long as it's okay with everyone..."

Nobody called out any complaints, so Oakheart shook his head. "We need some hardworking warriors to help make the dens."

"What about me?" Purdy called out. "I'm an elder!"

"And it seems you're the only elder here..." Oakheart observed. "You can join us in the warriors den!"

Purdy nodded, happy with Oakheart's decision.

"I am not sleeping with all of you mouse brains!" Mapleshade sneered. "I prefer to sleep alone, thank you very much!"

"Okay, Mapleshade," Oakheart said flatly. "You can sleep alone."


Oakheart blinked briefly before continuing. "If any cat would like to help start making the dens, join me by the dead pine tree." He motioned his tail over to where the rotting, dead pine tree stood on the opposite side of the clearing.

Jayfeather padded off to join the other medicine cats. Lionblaze watched as Oakheart jumped down from the tree and walked over to the area he directed the cats who wanted to help to come to.

Lionblaze flicked his ears, moving over to the dead pine tree. Tigerheart, Appledusk, and Silverstream were already there, their tails lashing expectantly.

Oakheart arrived a moment later, with Ivypool following close behind.

"It seems that a storm is on its way," Mothwing piped in to the group. "Can I request that you start the medicine den first? We don't want these fresh herbs to get wet."

"Of course, Mothwing," Oakheart meowed. "We will get on it right away."

Mothwing purred in thanks and walked away, joining the other medicine cats once again. Oakheart turned to the cats that were there to help build.

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