Chapter 15

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Lionblaze's POV

Yet another medicine cat had lost their lives. First it was Barkface of WindClan, Jayfeather of ThunderClan, and then Mothwing of RiverClan.

Cats were dying at such a fast rate Lionblaze could hardly believe it. He wondered if such death was happening on all the other islands out there, too.

After burying Mothwing, Lionblaze led the patrol back to the camp. It seemed as if everyone already knew Lionblaze was their leader instead of Oakheart now. They all padded behind him and spoke in hushed tones to each other.

He wondered if leading this little group of cats was like being the leader of a whole Clan, like Bramblestar. How could this be any different from Bramblestar's job?

Lionblaze shook his head as they made their way into the clearing. Everyone split up, some heading to the warriors den and some going to lie down on the sunny rocks to warm themselves up.

The air was chilly but there was still no sign of any clouds. The sun would be setting soon, bringing the sky to beautiful colors since there were no clouds to block them.

"Hey, Lionblaze!" Oakheart called from across the clearing. "Want to go on the fishing patrol with me and Silverstream? We will need some extra help since Mothwing isn't here."

"Sure..." Lionblaze hesitated before replying. "You'll need to help me, though! I'm not exactly the greatest cat at getting fish..."

Silverstream let out a purr as Lionblaze grew closer. "Don't worry," she paused to exchange an amused glance with Oakheart, "We already know."

Lionblaze followed the two RiverClan warriors out of the camp. Ahead of him the sun made orange rays across the waves and Lionblaze could hardly see anything.

"How can you see with all of this sun?" Lionblaze complained, narrowing his eyes against the brightness.

"Your eyes will get used to it," Oakheart replied, flickering his ears.

Lionblaze nodded his head. Slowly, his eyes adjusted to the shiny water made by the sun. Soon, the sun would drown completely in the water and it would be too dark to look for fish because you wouldn't be able to see anything underwater.

"Watch what Silverstream does," Oakheart instructed. "Then I'll show you one more time and then you can try. Tigerheart caught on quite fast, despite falling into the water a few times. I'm sure you will too."

Lionblaze let out a mrrow of laughter. "Okay!"

He watched Silverstream stare intently into the water. Then, as if she was on a silent signal, she slapped the water with outstretched claws and hooked a fish out onto the sand.

"Good one, Silverstream." Oakheart mewed. "Now, watch me, Lionblaze. I'll show you again."

The water was washing halfway up Lionblaze's legs. It was chilly and every few moments a wave would wash in and some droplets would go flying into his face.

Oakheart slapped his outstretched paw to the water just like Silverstream had done. He snatched out another fish and he tossed it by Silverstream's.

"It's easy," Oakheart assured. "Try it!"

Lionblaze stared down into the clear water. He watched for any movement of a fish swimming around. There was nothing; only a few shells floating around every time a wave came washing in.

But then a fish suddenly swam by Lionblaze's paw like it didn't even know the huge cat was there. Just like the RiverClan cats had done, he hurried and hooked the fish onto his claw and lifted it up in the air.

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