Chapter 14

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Lionblaze's POV

The camp had sat a silent vigil with Jayfeather until the sun was all the way up in the sky. Everyone seemed relieved that no clouds were in sight that could bring snow. But the air still had that chilly feeling, and Lionblaze bunched up his fur.

Lionblaze stepped away from his brother's body and prepared to lift it up to be buried. But before he could get a grasp on Jayfeather's pelt, Oakheart moved in front of him.

"Go rest," he meowed, flicking his ears. "We've got this. I'm sure you had a long night. I'm planning on hearing about it once we get back."

Lionblaze let his head hang as the cats carried Jayfeather's body away. He even wondered if he was ever going to see him again, even in StarClan. But now that Yellowfang was dead, too, Lionblaze didn't know what to expect the next time he went to sleep.

Mothwing padded up to him, her tail dragging on the ground. As she approached Lionblaze looked up and she looked greif-stricken.

"You know, Jayfeather was a great cat," Mothwing meowed quietly. "He must have been been a great brother, huh?"

"Yeah," Lionblaze replied flatly. He didn't really want to be talking about this right now.

"He might just be in a better place right now," Mothwing continued. "Jayfeather would probably rather be up with the cats of StarClan instead of on this Dark Forest cursed island."

She rubbed her head against Lionblaze's, and the golden warrior closed his eyes, breathing in Mothwing's scent. It was kind of fishy but had a sweeter scent to it, like catmint.

Lionblaze doubted that Jayfeather would rather be in StarClan than on the island right now. Dandelionkit was up there somewhere and they could come find Jayfeather again and kill him for the second time.

"That's where I'd rather be..." Mothwing mewed. "I'd rather be in StarClan. I never really used to believe in them but now I do because... warriors part of it surround me every day."

She padded away to the medicine den. Lionblaze's gaze followed Mothwing until her tail disappeared inside. But then something else caught his eye as he lay in the grass.

Sagewhisker was playing moss-ball with Breezekit on the other side of the clearing by the rocks. Heathertail was nowhere to be found. Lionblaze hadn't seen the WindClan queen since yesterday. She wasn't even at the vigil for Jayfeather.

That fox heart! Lionblaze felt anger rushing over him. He was very upset with Heathertail since she wasn't at the vigil. It wasn't like he wasn't already mad at her.

Instead of thinking about her, Lionblaze watched Breezekit hit the moss ball around. That kit looked exactly like Breezepelt. With jet-black fur, amber eyes, and a small flash of white on the chest. Breezekit was like a clone of Breezepelt. But hopefully they don't have the same personality.

Seeing Breezekit, Lionblaze thought of his own kits. He didn't want to think about them because he would just get even more upset than he already was. What if they were being haunted by Dandelionkit too? What if that murderous kit killed one of them already because of Lionblaze?

He shook his head. Lionblaze was just thinking too far. But he couldn't help and keep the thought of his kits in his mind, and he knew he might not ever see them again until he joined StarClan.


The patrol that buried Jayfeather arrived earlier than Lionblaze expected. Everyone was getting settled in the clearing and some of them sent Lionblaze questioning looks.

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