Chapter 10

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Jayfeather's POV

A while had passed since the last dream with Yellowfang, and since Heathertail attacked Lionblaze. The WindClan queen had given birth to three kits, which she respectively named Fawnkit, Needlekit, and Breezekit.

Jayfeather suspected that she had named the one kit Breezekit in remembrance of their father. The little kit looked exactly like Breezepelt, and Jayfeather found it kind of strange.

He hadn't helped out with the birth because Heathertail had screeched at him to leave. Instead, Mothwing and Sagewhisker helped her, alongside Silverstream because the RiverClan queen knew what it was like to have kittens.

Jayfeather couldn't understand why Heathertail had told him to leave when she was about to give birth. Maybe she just didn't trust a blind cat to help her. Heathertail seemed to hate both Lionblaze and Jayfeather because of her hostility torwards them.

Letting out a sigh, he lay in the clearing, a few rays of sunshine shining through the trees. Some of the trees had barely any leaves anymore but the pine trees remained as green as can be because they don't lose their needles.

Jayfeather listened to the kits scuffle around playing moss ball. It made him wonder if he and his siblings ever were that small and played like that. Jayfeather felt somewhat old because he couldn't remember anything from his kithood.

The three kits were growing closer and closer to the ThunderClan medicine cat. Jayfeather was hoping they wouldn't come too close and pounce on his tail because that annoyed him. Sometimes he liked kits and sometimes he didn't. He could imagine the warriors of ThunderClan tripping over the kits back at the gorge by the lake.

That's when the kits came up to him, their voices excited. They didn't normally pad up to him, they kind of scrambled and their paws got caught up in each other's.

"Hi, Jayfeather!" Fawnkit squealed, her meow very high pitched.

"Hi," Jayfeather grumbled.

"Wanna play moss ball with us?"

"No," Jayfeather replied. "I'm too old to be playing that."

He imagined the kits exchanging glances and Jayfeather knew what they were thinking. They were going to jump on him and make him take them on a badger ride!

"Oh, no," Jayfeather murmured, getting to his paws when the kits tried to climb on him. "I'm too weak to take you on a badger ride. Go pester Lionblaze!"

"Hmmph?" Lionblaze made a questioning sound from around his mouthful of fish. Jayfeather snickered when he heard the kits run over to him and start bothering him like a woodpecker at night when you're trying to sleep.

Jayfeather made his way over to the pile of fish by the rocks. His stomach was growling, telling him he had to eat something. Jayfeather really did not want to eat fish but he couldn't starve himself.

He started eating his fish quietly by himself in a shady area. A chilly breeze ruffled his fur and Jayfeather shivered. He suspected that leaf fall wasn't on it's way, but it was already here. Leaves littered the clearing and they would crunch whenever he would step on them. The shrill season of leaf bare was looming over them.

Once Jayfeather had finished his food he decided to go wash his paws off in the water to get rid of the fish smell. He got to his paws and glanced blindly over at where Lionblaze was carrying the three kits carefully on his back.

"Hold on!" Lionblaze meowed. Jayfeather could imagine Lionblaze walking around the clearing with three scraps of fur clinging on to his back for dear life.

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