Chapter 6

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Jayfeather's POV

Jayfeather felt kind of upset that Yellowfang didn't tell him who the cat was that scratched him. Maybe she didn't know, but how could she know the cat was dangerous so they had to escape? What if it was the cat in the prophecy?

He shook his head before continuing to eat his fish. The last bits of the cold, scaly fish slid down his throat and Jayfeather felt as if he wasn't entirely full. But he didn't care; he didn't want another single bite of the thing.

Jayfeather did not understand how the RiverClan cats liked fish. He also did not know why they liked to swim. Wierd mouse brains...

The sun shone down brightly to the clearing. A light wind ruffled the grass and blew through the trees. It was actually a nice day on the island for once. The rain was finally gone for a while, it seemed.

Jayfeather's thoughts now swirled around Lionblaze, and how he was in the dream alongside Jayfeather. Was there a way Yellowfang could choose the cats to see in the the dreams? Jayfeather wondered if Yellowfang was going to tell them something important last night, and that was why she chose both cats. But if she was, it was too bad she got caught up with Mistystar and Sparkpaw.

"Should we tell the other cats about what happened in the dream last night?" Lionblaze suddenly asked, probably thinking about the same thing Jayfeather was.

"I don't know," Jayfeather meowed. "They might want to know that Yellowfang isn't the only StarClan cat currently in StarClan right now."

Lionblaze sniffed, standing up. "Let's go."

Jayfeather followed his brother to the tall pine tree. They climbed carefully, with Lionblaze of course helping his blind sibling.

When they sat down on the branch, Jayfeather felt as if he was going to blown away by the wind. It was much stronger up here than it was on the ground.

"I feel like I'm going to be blown away!" Jayfeather grumbled half-heartedly, unseathing his claws and digging them into the bark.

"We will be fine," Lionblaze mewed, flicking Jayfeather with his tail.

The cats below started to gather around, already knowing Jayfeather and Lionblaze had something to tell them. They all looked up expectantly, their heads tilted and tails lashing.

"Oh, what do they have to say this time?" Complained Mapleshade.

"Both Jayfeather and I were visited by Yellowfang last night," Lionblaze started. "We weren't told anything, but it seems that Mistystar has lost her last life and Sparkpaw is also dead."

Meows of grief and confusion rose from the cats below. They all looked at eachother, completely bewildered.

"Mistystar!" Oakheart shrieked. "My daughter... is dead!" He slumped to the ground, his ears flattening to his head and his muzzle buried in his paws.

"How did they die?" Silverstream called out, her whole felt fuzzed up.

"I'm not entirely sure of how Mistystar died..." Lionblaze mewed, sadness toning his voice, "But I heard that Tigerstar killed Sparkpaw."

Many cats jumped to their paws when they heard Tigerstar's name.

"Tigerstar! That mouse brain!" Barkface growled. "I thought he was already dead!"

"I thought Brokenstar and Hawkfrost were already dead, too!" Mothwing meowed, her eyes wide. "Are those cats coming back from their second death?"

"What about Mapleshade?" Sagewhisker meowed, turning to the fading Dark Forest warrior.

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