Chapter 3

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Lionblaze's POV

A cold breeze ruffled Lionblaze's fur. The first storm had come and gone, leaving everything wet and misty. The clearing was surrounded by a thick fog and the clouds above still looked threatening, promising more rain soon.

Jayfeather was sitting alone on a rock by where the ThunderClan cats slept. His eyes were staring blindly off into space and he seemed lost in thought.

Purdy shook his pelt, sending droplets flying everywhere. "I'm gonna go and look for some more critters," he mewed gruffly. "Hopefully I find something that doesn't have maggots in it this time!"

Ivypool flicked her tail crossly, looking away from the elder. "At least I caught something."

Lionblaze shook his head and padded over to where Jayfeather was sitting. Immediately Jayfeather sensed that Lionblaze was approaching and his ears perked.


"Yep. Just me." Lionblaze mewed, carefully climbing the slippery rock and sitting down by his brother.

"Lionblaze, I was visited by StarClan last night," Jayfeather started, turning his head to Lionblaze. "Yellowfang..."

"Yellowfang what?" Lionblaze pushed, trying to continue what Jayfeather had begun to say.

"She gave me a prophecy..." Jayfeather mumbled, looking at the cloudy sky again.

"Yes? What is it?"

"I have no idea what it means. I've been sitting here since Dawn trying to get some meaning out of it."

"What is the prophecy?" Lionblaze tried to get Jayfeather to hack up what Yellowfang had given him in his dream.

"The last one, inscrutable, will rise from the unknown and will bring the Clans to complete annihilation."

Lionblaze blinked at his brother. Another prophecy! What could it mean? Could it have to do something with being stuck on the island? Could it...

"Jayfeather!" Lionblaze exclaimed. "You need to climb the tree and tell everyone the prophecy!"

Jayfeather widened his eyes at Lionblaze.

"I cannot climb a tree!" Jayfeather complained. "I'll fall! I can't!"

"I'll help you." Lionblaze replied, getting to his paws and nudging Jayfeather on his shoulder to get him to stand too.

"Okay." Jayfeather mewed, sounding brave. But the fear scent that was rising from him was unmistakable.

Lionblaze and Jayfeather crossed the clearing. The cats from the other clans looked at them, confused, as the brothers made their way to the tall pine tree surrounded by the prickly brambles.

Lionblaze slowly nudged Jayfeather up the base of the trunk. Immediately Jayfeather turned his head and stared down at Lionblaze.

"I'm going to fall into the brambles!" He snapped. "I am not climbing this tree!"

"Yes you are." Lionblaze nudged Jayfeather a little rougher this time. Jayfeather looked terrified, his claws digging deep into the bark.

"You can do this." Lionblaze meowed, starting to climb the tree behind Jayfeather. He nudged Jayfeather a little farther up the tree every few moments to be sure they got to the tall branch Oakheart had sat on a few days earlier.

Finally, they clawed their way up to the branch. Jayfeather hurriedly scrambled onto it. His blind jay blue eyes were huge, staring down at the brambles.

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