Chapter 9

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Lionblaze's POV

Lionblaze bolted out of the dream and suddenly he was back in the warriors den at the island. The sound of sleeping cats was all around him.

Quick paw steps were approaching and Lionblaze whipped his massive head around to the entrance of the den. Jayfeather, his brother, appeared in Lionblaze's vision and they stared at each other, confused of what had just happened in the dream for a moment.

Carefully, Lionblaze stepped out of the den and into the night. They must not have been sleeping long because the moon was high in the sky. A few clouds still lingered, sprinkling down the last of the storm that had raged on the island not long ago.

"What just happened?" Lionblaze whispered to his brother, being careful to not make his meow to loud to disturb the sleeping cats around.

"I have no idea," Jayfeather replied, his ears twitching. "That was a strange way for Yellowfang to act."

"Has she ever done that before?"

"Kind of..." Jayfeather began. "She only acted like that a little bit when that cat scratched me a while ago."

Suddenly, the bushes rustled and Heathertail appeared, her tail lashing and eyes narrowed.

"Heathertail?" Jayfeather sniffed the air. "What are you doing awake? You should be sleeping!"

"I was going to ask you the same thing." Heathertail meowed gruffly. "I just went for a walk because I couldn't sleep. My belly is aching."

"Do you need some herbs?" Jayfeather asked. "I can-"

"I don't need any herbs," Heathertail grumbled. "I'm going back to my nest, and if I hear a peep out of you cats when I'm trying to sleep, I'll claw your ears off."

The WindClan queen disappeared inside the den. Lionblaze looked at Jayfeather and he met his blind gaze. "Let's take a walk together."

"Okay." Jayfeather mewed quietly. "I don't really know if I want to go back to sleep tonight."

Lionblaze nodded his head, silently agreeing. The two cats padded out of the clearing side by side. They soon came upon the shore and Lionblaze guided his brother along it so they didn't get wet.

"I don't understand," Jayfeather murmured. "Yellowfang acted strange when that cat came and scratched me... maybe they just came back and Yellowfang was trying to protect us?"

"Maybe," Lionblaze thought. He had to agree; Yellowfang was never really that feisty and surely she was just trying to protect the brothers from the mysterious cat.

"I want to know who that cat is and why Yellowfang is afraid of them!" Jayfeather mewed, sounding troubled. "There were so many cats of StarClan around us. How come Yellowfang was the only one that seemed scared?"

Lionblaze couldn't reply because he honestly didn't know how. There were so many unanswered questions. Why were they on the island? How did they get there? Who was the mysterious cat? And who could be the fifth cat of the prophecy?


That morning, Lionblaze and Jayfeather lay down together on the sunny rocks. Some of the trees were beginning to lose their leaves and Lionblaze sensed that leaf fall and leaf bare were on their way. The storm that had happened yesterday was probably the last storm that Greenleaf had to offer.

Oakheart, Silverstream, and Mothwing were returning to the camp, their jaws full of fish. They dropped them down in the shade by the rocks and cats started to come over to eat and share tongues.

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