Chapter 25

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Lionblaze's POV

Lionblaze slowly blinked open his eyes. He didn't see anything. He tried again to vision something but everything around him was black. Where am I?

Turning around, Lionblaze almost let out a yowl in surprise at what he saw in front of him. "Yellowfang!"

Yellowfang was sitting with her tail wrapped around her paws. She looked as healthy and as strong as ever. "Hello, Lionblaze."

"Where are we?" Lionblaze wondered, glancing around him. "Are we-"

"Lionblaze, let me explain something to you." Yellowfang meowed calmly when the golden warrior turned back to her.

He looked expectantly at the old she-cat. "Did I die? Are we in-"

"Lionblaze, you're dead!" Yellowfang interrupted. "Do you understand me? Dandelionkit killed you!"

Lionblaze couldn't make out what she was saying. The battle with Dandelionkit was a blur and he could barely remember what happened.

Now since he was dead, the Clans were doomed. Cinderheart and the rest of his family were going to be killed by Dandelionkit's unstoppable desire for power.

"I've let my Clan down!" Lionblaze sobbed. "Now they're all going to die and it's all because of me! Nobody else can lay a claw on him because I'm the only one who can kill Dandelionkit!"

"Lionblaze, I'm not-"

Lionblaze felt the sad tears threatening to spill out of his eyes like a wave. "Dandelionkit has killed me! Great StarClan, I'm so scared!"

Yellowfang glanced away from him, her gaze looking expectant for something to suddenly appear. Which was what happened next.

A pale gray body collapsed to the ground in a messy lump of fur. Yellowfang crouched over the body and using her paws, she flipped the cat over.

The cat that was lying there was an unconscious Jayfeather.

"Jayfeather sacrificed his life for you, Lionblaze," Yellowfang meowed, meeting the golden warrior's shocked gaze. "Go out there and defeat Dandelionkit. You want to save your Clan, don't you?"

Lionblaze's mouth was wide open. He couldn't believe what was happening. His mind was being overloaded by questions.

"You have one more chance," Yellowfang explained, her amber eyes calm. "Jump into the pool, fly down there and kill Dandelionkit once and for all."

"What pool?" Lionblaze struggled to speak. He blinked, and all of a sudden, color swirled around him, flying over the meadows and down the creek.

Jayfeather was waking up, his blue eyes opening and instantly meeting Lionblaze's.

"Jayfeather..." Lionblaze sobbed. "I'm... I'm so sorry..."

"Go!" Yellowfang and Jayfeather ordered at the same time.

Turning tail, Lionblaze dashed through the dandelions. He realized this was the field Lionblaze had first met Dandelionkit in.

The white puffs flew through the air all around him as he hared though them. Lionblaze didn't even feel any pain from any of his injuries now.

Cats of StarClan were everywhere, seeming to know what was happening. Lionblaze kept moving, and cheers surrounded him. I'm doing this for Jayfeather. I'm doing this for Cinderheart. I'm doing this for all the Clans.

The pool suddenly stretched out in front of him and Lionblaze took a deep breath. Then, without stopping, he splashed right in.

His fur didn't get the slightest bit wet as he crashed into the real world. Below him was the lake and all the Clan's territories. From where Lionblaze was in the air, he could see the island straight ahead.

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