Chapter 7

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Lionblaze's POV

A few days had passed since he and Jayfeather had seen Yellowfang. He wondered why she hadn't been visiting them anymore.

Lionblaze raised his head and looked at his brother, who was just waking up, his big jay blue eyes blinking multiple times to get the sleep out of them.

It looked as if Jayfeather wanted to screech out in anger. He stood up, shaking out his fur a little bit, and then Jayfeather stomped through the bushes, not taking any notice to Lionblaze still sitting there.

"What's up with him?" Ivypool commented, her ears twitching.

Lionblaze didn't answer. He understood Jayfeather's anger because they hadn't gotten any dreams lately. Figuring out the prophecy was getting nowhere.

Who could be the "fifth one"? Did this prophecy have something to do with being on the island? Did it relate to the prophecy revolving around Lionblaze, Jayfeather, Dovewing, and Firestar?

Lionblaze widened his eyes, a jolt of realization coursing through his body. He had to find Jayfeather.

"Jayfeather!" Lionblaze exclaimed, crashing through the bushes noisily. He whipped his head around and instantly spotted the light gray body of his brother against the water.

Lionblaze raced over to Jayfeather as fast as his paws could carry him. "Jayfeather!"

Jayfeather's head snapped around as Lionblaze skidded to a halt beside him.


"I think I figured out something with the prophecy!"

Jayfeather's ears perked. "Did you have a dream last night without me?"

"No!" Lionblaze replied. "But you know how there were four cats in the prophecy around us?"


"Well, the new prophecy says there is a fifth cat," Lionblaze explained. "Maybe this cat has to do with our prophecy!"

"Oh my StarClan!"

"And besides that," Lionblaze continued, "I killed that fox with one swipe of my paw. And you're able to see in your dreams. Jayfeather, I think our powers are coming back and there's a fifth cat in the prophecy!"

"But it has to be kin of Firestar's kin," Jayfeather meowed. "Who could it possibly be?"

"Ivypool?" Lionblaze guessed.

"No," Jayfeather disagreed. "What if it's that cat that scratched me in the dream with Yellowfang?"


"No," Jayfeather sighed. "It can't be... I just wish Yellowfang would visit us in another dream so we get another idea of what this prophecy means!"

"Jayfeather, we just figured out a big part of it! There's a fifth cat in our prophecy that will rise from the unknown and bring the Clans to complete annihilation!"


Jayfeather and Lionblaze stood on the branch of the tall pine tree, looking down at all of the cats that remained on the island. Which weren't that many, because a lot of them had died already.

The brothers had just told them everything they had discussed by the water earlier. No cat had called out anything, but they were all meowing to eachother in hushed voices.

"I wonder where Dovewing is," Lionblaze mewed to Jayfeather. "I wonder if her powers are coming back, too."

"Well," Jayfeather muttered, "If our powers are coming back why not hers?"

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