Chapter 13

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Lionblaze's POV

After the little meeting Jayfeather and Lionblaze had started for the full moon and explaining of things, Lionblaze just wanted to go to sleep. The day felt as if it dragged on and it saddened him that so many cats lost their lives. He believed that was a lot of deaths, but who knew what could be happening on the other islands?

Lionblaze lay down in his nest. He watched gentle snowflakes fall to the ground, slower than they had been coming down earlier.

Ivypool was already asleep, her stomach rising and falling as she breathed. Lionblaze closed his eyes and hoped he would be visited in a dream again. He wanted a clear answer. Were he and Jayfeather correct on their prediction of the fifth cat of the prophecy? Lionblaze let the thoughts drift away as he fell into sleep.

He ended up opening his eyes to a frizzy gray pelt sitting in front of him. Lionblaze knew it was Yellowfang but it was so dark in StarClan that he couldn't see her as clearly as he usually could.

"What's going on?" Jayfeather asked from where he sat beside Lionblaze, stifling a yawn. "Yellowfang?"

"I-I don't know!" Yellowfang stammered. "It's never been this cloudy in StarClan! We're all scared."

Lionblaze looked up and the clouds were dark and moving fast. They looked threatening, as if rain could start pouring down any moment.

"Yellowfang, were we right with our prediction? Is the fifth cat the kit that attacked me and Lionblaze?" Jayfeather questioned, his eyes narrowing.

"What?" Yellowfang mewed, seeming distracted. "I-I don't know. I..."

"Are you okay?" Jayfeather asked, getting to his paws. "You're-"

"Shut up!" Yellowfang hissed, snapping her head upwards. She crouched lower to the ground and she looked completely terrified when she gazed at the brothers.

"Get out!" Yellowfang growled. "Please!" Then she murmured, as she looked back at the trees up above, "Why does this always happen when they're around?"

Jayfeather and Lionblaze exchanged glances. Usually when they blinked for a few seconds. they could find themselves back in their nests. But now it wasn't working, and Lionblaze knew Jayfeather was thinking the same thing he was.

Suddenly rain started pouring down and Yellowfanf scrambled to the entrance of the camp. But then something came flying down from the side of the gorge and it landed right on top of Yellowfang.

Amber eyes glowed through the downpour and the new cat was latched onto Yellowfang's back. The formed ShadowClan and ThunderClan medicine cat let out a screech and she started bucking back and forth like an angry cow stampeding.

Lionblaze didn't know what to do. He wasn't sure if he should jump in and stop them, or just stay away and let them fight.

Yellowfang smacked her body to the ground and then she hurried to her paws. The other cat on the ground latched their claws into Yellowfang's tail, and when the old gray medicine cat tried to escape their hold, fur was ripped out.

The other cat stood up. Lionblaze couldn't make out the color of this cat's pelt but their amber eyes stood out like nothing Lionblaze had ever seen before. They glowed like angry suns on the hottest day of Greenleaf.

Yellowfang crashed into Lionblaze and turned to him. "Please, get out of here!"

The cat jumped torwards where Lionblaze and Yellowfang were standing. As they flew through the air, Yellowfang head-butted Lionblaze to move out of the way. The golden warrior fell to the ground and he quickly scooted into some of the undergrowth, hoping the kit didn't see him. Jayfeather followed him, his tail tucked in between his back legs.

It was obvious Yellowfang didn't want Lionblaze to interfere. He wanted to know what was happening and why this cat was attacking Yellowfang.

As the two cats tumbled around on the ground, Lionblaze glanced up at the top of the gorge and he wondered where all the StarClan cats could be. Would they know what's happening? Where is everyone?

Suddenly Yellowfang's body was thrown across the clearing. Her shredded and broken body smashed into the fallen tree that was still in the middle of the ThunderClan camp.

Droplets of rain started to pelt down from the sky. It was as if the weather knew when something bad was going to happen and it always rolled in at times like this.

The strange cat jumped down from somewhere and landed in front of the undergrowth Lionblaze and Jayfeather were hiding in.

Lionblaze couldn't believe what he was seeing. The cat that was padding torwards him was the kit he saw in the meadow the other night!

"Lionblaze, you will never understand." The kit meowed. "You'll never understand what's happening."

Before Lionblaze could say anything, they continued. "I've killed Yellowfang, and now you're next in line... I saw you cats on that island talking about me. You're right, I do have extraordinary power, just like you. But there can only be one of us with our kind of strength. And that's gonna be me."

The kit came dashing at Lionblaze, and the ThunderClan warrior tried to move out of the way but the brambles got caught in his fur. His neck was fully exposed to being ripped open by razor sharp claws. I'm gonna die! This kit is going to kill me!

That's when the jay's wing collided into the kit right in front of Lionblaze. They both let out a grunt as they hit each other and Lionblaze watched as they rolled around on on the ground, tufts of fur flying everywhere.

Jayfeather was on top, and he looked completely agressive, his teeth bared and ears flattened to his head. But Lionblaze was afraid that Jayfeather didn't know any real battle moves, and he was going to be the one to get killed instead of Lionblaze!

Lionblaze tugged at his pelt and he had to bite down on some of the tangles to get his fur free.

"Jayfeather, I don't understand how we could ever be cousins," the kit meowed, as they were now on top of the ThunderClan medicine cat. "I'm just gonna have to kill both you and Lionblaze."

As soon as Lionblaze got the last bramble out of his fur, the kit slammed his paw down on Jayfeather's throat. Blood went flying through the air and Lionblaze was frozen to the spot in utter shock of what had just occurred in front of his eyes.

The kit stepped off of Lionblaze's brother. The ThunderClan warrior raced up to the motionless body of Jayfeather. His eyes were wide and his mouth was open, silently letting out a screech.

Jayfeather had saved Lionblaze's life!

He crouched over Jayfeather's body and turned to the kit who sat a few tail lengths away, looking unfazed.

"Who are you?" Lionblaze cried, tears streaming down his face. "Who are you?!"

The kit took a split moment to reply. "My name is Dandelionkit."

Lionblaze suddenly sat up, panting. The warm warriors den greeted his vision and Lionblaze bolted out of the nest. He didn't care if he stepped on any cat's tails right now. He had to see Jayfeather.

Lionblaze raced as quickly as he could across the clearing and to the medicine cat den. He scrambled up to Jayfeather and he nudged his brother's pelt a few times with his paw.

"Jayfeather?" Lionblaze murmured, nudging the medicine cat's body again. "Jayfeather, please wake up!"

But to Lionblaze's horror, the gray scrap of fur that lay in front of him was cold and unmoving.

"Lionblaze?" Sagewhisker mewed sleepily. "What's going on?"

Lionblaze ignored her, grabbing Jayfeather's scruff. His brother's body felt incredibly light as Lionblaze carried him out to the icy clearing.

A few cats were padding out of the dens, their ears perked and obviously curious of what was happening. Lionblaze didn't look at them. He just crouched over Jayfeather's dead body as the cold wind nipped at his fur.

"Lionblaze..." Sagewhisker mewed again, right by his side. "What are-"

"Are you mouse-brained, Sagewhisker?" Lionblaze spat. "Jayfeather is dead!"

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