Chapter 18

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Lionblaze's POV

Lionblaze stared up at the walls of the ThunderClan camp back at the lake. The trees up above were black and burnt, and crispy leaves and ashes littered around Lionblaze's paws like the snow on the island.

The sky was clear from any clouds at all, to Lionblaze's surprise. For the past few dreams, the sky had been completely overtaken by the stormy gray clouds.

He took a sniff of the air and Lionblaze could only pick up the scent of burnt wildlife. The ThunderClan warrior to see his home devastated by the flames like this.

Suddenly the bushes rustled, and Lionblaze whipped his head around, his eyes widening. He was hoping the cat that appeared wouldn't be Dandelionkit. Even though he wanted to rip the kit to shreds he couldn't help but be a bit scared of him.

But the only cat that appeared was Sparkpaw, her bright orange coat looking terrified. Behind her appeared Cinderheart and Sorrelstripe.

"Cinderheart!" Lionblaze exclaimed. "Sorrelstripe!"

All three cats lifted their heads, and Cinderheart's head tilted to the side, her tail raising into the air. Sorrelstripe raced over to his father, and they collided, their heads rubbing against one another's.

"Sorrelstripe! Cinderheart! Did you escape okay?" Lionblaze worried for his family.

"Yes!" Cinderheart replied. "We hid in the abandoned twoleg nest back in the woods. We haven't seen or heard from Dandelionkit since the forest caught on fire."

"Perhaps he fell into the flames!" Sparkpaw guessed. "The sky has been strangely clear since his last appearance..."

Maybe Sparkpaw was right? Did Dandelionkit fall into the wildfire and did Lionblaze not notice? He shook his head.

"Oh, Sorrelstripe, what happened to you?" Lionblaze worried for his son.

"Our whole island starved to death!" Sorrelstripe replied. "Just like Cinderheart's island did!"

Lionblaze was worrying more about his island now. What if they all ended up starving, too?

"I'm sorry," Lionblaze sobbed. "I'm... I'm so upset to see my family in StarClan!"

"It's so much better here than it was on the island," Sparkpaw admitted. "We actually get real forest prey! RiverClan can have all the fish they want now!"

Lionblaze's ears twitched. Sparkpaw was most likely right. He wanted to join StarClan and be with his family-

But he couldn't abandon his island. He was their leader now. It was his responsibility to keep watch over them, even through how much it pained him not to be with Cinderheart and Sorrelstripe in StarClan.

"Wait," Lionblaze suddenly wondered. "Are we in StarClan right now? Or is there a gorge that looks just like ThunderClan in StarClan..."

"We're in the normal ThunderClan gorge, you silly mouse brain!" Cinderheart meowed.

"Then how are you here?"

"Well, you know how the StarClan and Dark Forest cats came to the real world when the Great Battle occured? Well, we're just doing that again..."

"How?" Lionblaze questioned. It seemed impossible for that to happen!

"We just jump into the giant pool in StarClan that lets us see down into the lake territories. After all, we are always watching from up above..."

"But wait... Yellowfang said she saw all the different islands in the pool..." Lionblaze bewildered. "Wouldn't you land on the islands?"

"We see the islands, but when we jump down, we land in the lake territories..." Cinderheart replied. "Nobody really knows why."

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