Chapter 1

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I called him and he pick up on the first ring.

Devin: Hey baby, I missed you!

Me: I missed you too. How come you haven't called me, and when do I get to see you?

Devin: Next week, my aunt is letting me have her house for the week.

Me: Oh Ok, but that doesn't answer my other question!

Devin: Which was?

Me: Don't play dumb!

Devin: I'm just playing, I've just been busy.

Me: Too busy to talk to me? :(

Devin: I'm never too busy for you.

Me: Ok, well I'm really sleepy. I'll call you in the morning.

Devin: Ok, I Love you. Goodnight!

Me: I Love you too, Goodnight!

I woke up from my dream remembering what happened next. I refuse to let myself cry over that. I mean it happened two years ago, but why does it still hurt?!

I got out the bed to get some water. I've been staying at a friend's house since I moved out of mines. Not going in to that right now. Anyway I walked in the kitchen and saw a bushy head peeked over the top of the refrigerator.

Me: Lar?

Laurent: Non, it's Lau. Why are you up?

Me: I needed something to drink.

Lau: You wanna talk about it.

I looked at him confused at first, then I realized I must have been talking in my sleep again.

Me: No, I'm okay. it's fine!

Lau: If you say so.

Me: Umm, can you hand me a cup out the cabinet?

Lau: Sure.

Lord, He knows I hate when he does that. Shorts answers drive me insane, no matter what the conversation is about.

Lau: Sure, I'll grab you one.

That's better.

Me: While you questioning me, I should've asked you the same thing?

Lau: I just couldn't sleep, so I wanted to see if there was anything to eat.

Me: Oh, ok.

^^Hypocritical right, I know. You don't have to say it!

We sat there in silence for a while. Me drinking my water, and him eating any food he could fine. I chuckled a little on the inside.

Me: You know, if you were a girl, I could've sworn you were pregnant.

He stopped eating and looked at me. He laughed and finished his plate. I will never know where all that food goes.

Me: I'm going back to bed.

Lau: Ok, goodnight!

Me: Goodnight!

I walked up the stairs to see that Lar's room door was open. (Dang, is he up too?) I peeked in to see him sprawled out across the bed snoring. That was a moment I wish I had my phone, but I'll get him next time. I laid in my bed and fell asleep as soon as I closed my eyes.

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