Chapter 10

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MERDE, they been going at it for at least 2 hours since I got back. I heard them both scream and then silence.

Me: It's about time, goddang!

I heard the door open and close, it was Lau. He walked to the living room and sat down beside me. I smirked and he just laughed.

Me: You have fun?

Lau: Fun ain't the word. If only you would've saw what happened at first.

Me: I don't even want to know.

He laughed and walked to the office desk, taking out a sticky note.


I'm going to write this note now. If I try to do it later, I might back out.:

MÁRRIE, I REALLY LIKE YOU. I loved making love to you. I have to go somewhere. I will be back I promise, but I don't know when. Larry will take care of you for the both of us. Don't worry too much about where I am, I just have to take care of some business.

I love you so much Márrie,

You WILL be on my mind,

This is for all of us,

Till I see you again!

I stood at the door, staring down at the note. Lar walked up to me and took the note. He read it and patted me on the back.

Lar: You gonna be ok, I know it.

Me: I know. I'm not worried about me, I'm worried about how Márrie is going to react!

Lar: Frére, regarde-moi. (Brother, look at me.)

I looked at him with teary eyes. He grabbed me by my hair and pulled me into a hug.

Lar: Je ne vais pas la laisser fou. Je vais prendre soin d'elle. Ne vous inquiétez pas à son sujet, il suffit de faire cela pour nous tous. Je n'ai pas le cœur à le faire, mais vous faites. Ok! Nous vous aimons et s'il vous plaît revenir à nous. (I'm not going to let her go crazy. I will take care of her. Don't worry about her, just do this for us all. I don't have the heart to do it,but you do. Ok! We love you and please come back to us.)

I hugged him back and wiped my tears away. I walked inside the room and placed the sticky note on the door. Then, I quietly packed my suitcase and carried it to the living room. I placed it infront of the door. The clock said 9, so I'll leave at 12.

Me: Mon frére, I'm leaving at 12. D'accord?

Lar: Oui, D'accord.

We decided to spend some brother time together until I left. We played video games, ate, talked about our childhood which led to some arguements, we play fought, watched movies, and finally sat on the couch to talk about what my plan was. 12 came way too early, because I wasn't ready to leave, but I have to go.

We shared a few more words before I left. I looked back and saw Lar watching me from the window. He waved goodbye and gave a weak smile. I ran to the door and banged on it. He ran downstairs, opened the door, and hugged me. You might no understand, this is first time I've left him and neither one of us know where I'm going. We're both just scared right now. We let go and I walked to the driver's side of the car. We said our goodbyes again and I drove off.

Me: Now, to the airport!

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