Chapter 27

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I know that it's been centuries since I last updated. So to make it up to all of you, I'm going to do a chapter a day for a while. Plus, I'm very happy anyway, I'm going to New Mexico on Friday. So, here's the chapter!


We finally made it to Mexico. All of us are standing in the airport waiting on the bags. I'm ready for this, Lau looks really nervous though.

Me: Lau?

Lau: Hmm?

Me: Are you ok?

Lau: Oui, I guess. I just miss min frere so much. I hope everything goes right.

Mér: I got all the bags, and everything will be fine.

Me: We will get him back, you have my word on that. Until then, we need to start making our way to where he is.

Mér: Yeah, we actually need to get going now. There is a cab in front of the building, I think we can catch it.

~We all speed walked to the front and got the cab driver's attention.

C.D.: Where to?

Mér: 428 Lesturn Drive

~2 hours later~


Me: Devin, what are we going to do with him?

Devin: I think we should...hold on, someone is at the door.

~He walked to it an opened the door. Little did he know it would be Mér standing behind the door.~

Mér: Hello Devin, long time no see.

Devin: Mérrie Swan, I never thought I would see your pretty face around here. Especially after your last forced visit.

~When he said her name, I got up and ran behind Devin to see if it really was her.~

Her teeth clenched and fist balled up when he reminde her of that.

Mér: Cut the bullshit, where is he.

Devin: I don't know who or what you are talking about.

She stepped up to steps

Mér: I know he's here idiot. Oh! Hello Masin, how was life in jail?

I just rolled my eyes at her and sat back down.

Masin: It was good, but I'm concerned about my life now. And you will be in it, whether you like it or not.

Mér: Anyway, enough of this little reunion, get the fuck out my way!

She pushed past Devin and got in, but he grabbed her by her hair.

Devin: Aye, you should be smarter than that. Who said you was invite in here in the first place?

Mér: I did.


After I said that, I kicked forward and swung my leg back really hard. Ha, got him to let go of my hair.

Devin: Aaah, shit. Masin, kill that bitch.

He hopped off the couch and ran to me. He took his gun out, aiming it at me.

Mér: Swore up and down that you wanted me. You kill me, you won't have me. Don't do this.

Masin: Or what?

~Márrie walked infront of the door~

Már: Or I'll kill you my damn self!

She had the machete out, ready to fire. I stepped out of aim and walked around, until someone grabbed me. He pulled me to the ground and pinned my arms down by my side.

Devin: You little bitch, did you think you would get away with that shit?

He stood up, holding my arms tightly, and started dragging me off somewhere. I could see that Már and Masin where having a stand off, so it was time.


Laurent came running in. I was drug off while kicking and screaming. They couldn't possibly here me by now because my mouth is taped shut.


Masin quickly aimed for me. Before he could shoot, Már shot him in the foot.

He fell down, screaming in pain.

When Már lowered the gun, to shoot him again, I stopped her.

Me: Don't, we need him to be alive. No killing.

She thought about and sighed before agreeing.

Màr: Ok, fine! Help me drag him from in front of the door, we don't need anyone...

She paused and looked around.

Már: Wait...Lau, where is Mér?

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