Chapter 2

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Lar: I don't wanna see you hurt anymore. Márrie, I want you to be with me, please?

He pleaded with me to be with him. I reached out to touch his face, only for it to disappear out of my grasp. I screamed his name, but he wasn't there anymore. I felt someone pick me up and put me over there shoulder. I couldn't tell who it was. I tried moving and speaking, but my body wouldn't let me. I gave up. I was set on the couch in front of the t.v. Lau stood in front of me saying absolutely nothing. He grabbed my hand and-


I jumped up out of my sleep and hit the floor.

Lar: Ow, sorry. I just wanted you to know you have an hour to get ready for the workshop.

Me: Thanks, thanks alot Lar!

Lar: Your welcome!

He smiled and ran towards the door. I grabbed a pillow and nailed him right in the back of the head. He stumbled forward a little.

Lar: I'll get you later for that!

Me: Yeah whatever, leave so I can get ready.

Lar: KK!

With that, he left. I love the twins, but they are a handful at times, especially Lar.

I decided to get up in 20 mins, until I remembered how they like to use my stuff and hog the bathroom. I ran in there without thinking twice.

Lau: Hey, that's my water!

Me: Sorry, but you know how you and your brother is.

He thought about it and then said fine. I thanked him and started getting ready. I was done in 20 minutes and Lau walked past me in a towel.

Lau: Took you long enough!

I glared at him and noticed him staring at me.

Me: Earth to Lau, go get ready.

Lau: You think you funny.

Me: I know I am!

He laughed while walking towards me. He raised one eyebrow and bent down to my ear.

He whispered;

Lau: I only stared at you because I know you be staring at me, don't act like you don't either. I know you like the back of my hand Márrie don't try anything you can't handle!

He left me in the hall and walked into the bathroom. I stood there dumbfounded; Was it that obvious? I knew I would catch feelings for him or them, I just didn't know when. I guess it's now. I hadn't realized I stood in the same spot for so long until Lau walked back out. He made a face as if asking did I want anything. I just walked past him. I Can't Catch Feelings For My Friends, Best Friends, Whatever! ?That probably would explain that dream I had.

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