Chapter 3

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We arrived at the workshop earlier than usual. I was excepting it to be packed, and it was! I went through the name checklist until I saw a familiar name. No, it couldn't be, it was. Devin Losiér. I was hoping this was a dream, but it was all reality. My world felt like it was going to cave in at any minute. I should've stayed at the house. I gave the checklist to Lau and walked outside for some air.

Me: (Ehh! What is he doing here, that's the last person I need to see.)

Lar and Lau walked outside after they noticed me pacing back and forth.

Lar & Lau: Márrie, MÁRRIE!

Me: Huh, What?

Lau: What's wrong?

Me: Nothing, just needed some air.

Lar: That's not what it seemed like in there.

Me: What you mean?

Lar: I saw the look on your face when you gave the checklist to Lau and came outside.

Me: Can we talk about it later, I really don't wanna talk right now.

Lar & Lau: Ok.

We walked back inside and everyone was already in their groups. I went first while everyone else watched.


Me and my brother watched as Márrie danced and something was different. She danced as if she was mad at something but couldn't say what is was. It was my turn to show a preview of what they would learn today. Something in the room felt wierd, but I didn't know what. That is, until I noticed someone in my group staring at her. I quickly got his attention and continued my teaching, only to see him looking at her in the mirror. She was so focused on dancing that she didn't even notice. I walked in a circle around the group watching them do a move over and over until they got it, except one. You guessed it, it was him.

Lar: You would know to place your right heel in front of your left, slide, and jump if you payed attention.

He looked at me without saying a word as I made my way back to the front.

It was time to show off everything they learned. Everyone did really good, Mr. Short Attention Span did ok.


Lar looked aggrivated today. I don't know why, everything seemed great. My group did awesome, everyone gave 100% and I couldn't ask for more. I was still worried about Márrie though, she looks like she's out of place, and I know it's far from that. Me and Lar are gonna find out as soon as we get to the house.

We all signed autographs and took as many pictures as we could before we left. Everyone was exhausted, but by the way Lar looked, I could tell he wanted to say something.

Lau: Mon frére? (brother)?

Lar: Hmm?

Lau: Nothing.

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