Chapter 15

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Me: Ok, so you remember when I told you I took the pictures and left immediately after.

Lau: Oui.

Me: Well, I didn't exactly leave immediately.

Lau: Ok, what else happened?

Me: I stayed to watch him. They were grinding hard on eachother, like their bodies were connected. I couldn't watch anymore and decided to leave. Before I got out the door, I felt someone grab my wrist. I turned around and it was the bar tender. Earlier, I was at the bar looking for my ex and the bar tender started talking to me. He gave me some free drinks and flirted a little. I just got up and left the bar when I spotted him. I didn't say anothe to the BT after that.

BT: Hey, you ok?

Me: Not really.

BT: What's wrong, did someone hurt you?

I smiled at his concern.

Me: If you can count feelings, then yes, someone hurt me. My boyfriend, well ex bf now, is over there dancing all up on a girl.

They were making out and feeling all on eachother now. Seeing this made me sick to my stomach.

BT: Where?

I pointed to them and his eyes followed. His eyes got wide and his mouth opened in complete shock.

Me: What?

BT: Nothing.

Me: Tell me, I really don't have the time or patience to be around any more secrets right now.

BT: I feel the same.

Me: What you mean?

BT: That's my girlfriend! So that's where she goes when she leaves for her morning jog and comes back at noon.

I just looked at him and I felt terribly bad then. I noticed tears in his eyes and I could tell the sight of them was hurting him bad.

Me: I'm sorry.

BT: No need for sorry, right. I mean we both just have cheating partners. It's not like I was going to propose this weekend.

I couldn't say anything else after that. All I could do was hug him. He didn't hug back for a while. I felt tears fall into my hair and he was breathing heavy. His arms shot up and hugged me tightly as he cried. I could tell he really loved her, like I loved my ex. I hugged back with just as much force as I felt my own tears flow out onto his shirt. I finally stepped back to wipe my face, but was pulled back to him and our lips crashed.

It was elecrity and more than that. It was as if we both needed love. Like there was an emptyness we were both trying to fill at that moment. I kissed him back and it turned into more. I pulled back again.

Me: I need to find a ride home.

BT: When

Me: Well, when do you get off?

He smiled.

BT: Now!

He grabbed my hand and lead us out the club and to his car. I told him where I lived and he drove me there. I got out and thanked him for the ride, but I didn't want him to leave so soon.

Me: Hey, do u want to come inside. Don't need you in a car wreck for crying while driving.

BT: Hahaha, sure.

Me: Ok, you can park in my garage and come in through the garage door.

BT: Ok.

He backed up and drove around to my garage. I'm about to be in some serious trouble tonight.

I went inside to unlock the garage door and he was already waiting. When I finally got it open, it's like he attacked me. Kisses all over and roughness. Not going into that, but yes, we did have sex and fell asleep afterwards. I woke up around 7 and noticed he was still laying on me. I quickly woke him up and said get dressed.

BT: Why are we rushing to get dressed, you said he's your ex now.

Me: Yea, but I'm confronting him today and I don't need you here. It'll just add more drama.

BT: Ok, well here's my number. Call me later.

Me: I will.

He was walking out the door until I remembered something.

Me: Hey, what's your name?

BT: Chazzie, but you can call me Chaz. And you?

Me: I'm Márrie!

He smiled and turned towards the door.

Chaz: Bye Már.

I laughed at my new nickname. He turned and winked at me.

Me: Goodbye Chaz.

Not no later, my ex showed up drunk as ever. That's when I confronted him. I wasn't expecting it to escalate like that and I felt a little guilty for sleeping with Chaz. My guilt went away when he pushed me into the wall. Well, you know what happened after that.


I knew there was more to the story, but I wasn't expecting this. I still don't look at her any different though. I know what she did and why she did it.

Me: Thank you for telling me everything, but why you didn't tell everything before.

Márrie: I thought you and Lar would start judging me and making me feel bad.

Me: I get it now, just tell us everything from now on, please?!

Márrie: I will, but I'm going to let you go to sleep. I can see deep bags under your eyes.

Me: Ok, and Márrie?

Márrie: Oui?

Me: You know you have to tell the rest of the story to Lar now?

Márrie: I already know, bonne nuit Lau!

Me: Bonne nuit Márrie!

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