Chapter 14

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I really didn't get that much sleep when I hung up the phone. I'm just trying to figure out how I'm going to actually do this.

Dang, reality just kicked my ass, I must really love Márrie to be doing this to someone I don't know. I miss her so much, she's like a pump of adrenaline added to my system. I knew I would start missing her eventually, I think I might be in love with her.

Merde, I forgot she was suppose to facetime me. Well, she might be sleep by now, so I'll go to sleep and call her in the morning.


I'm missing Lau like crazy. I miss being around him. Don't get me wrong, I love being around Lar. It's just not the same without both of them here. Oh yea, I'm suppose to facetime him.



Happy dance, woken up by belle's call!


Me: Bonjour Amour

Lau: Bonjour Belle. Amour Vous!

Me: Awwwee! 😘 What you doing?

Lau: Nothing really. Just watching t.v.


What, I had to lie. I'm not ready to tell her how I truely feel yet!


Me: Oh, well stop watching. Watch me now!

Lau: 😀 Wow, demanding much?!

Me: Oh, you know I love you.

I want to ask how long he'll be gone, but I'm afraid to hear the answer.

Lau: Márrie?

Me: Huh?

Lau: I won't be gone long.

Me: How did you-

Lau: You forget I've known you since we were kids, I could tell it was bothering you.

I looked away from the camera and smiled. I never actually thought about how well they know me. Sighing, I instantly remembered why he was gone in the first place.

Lau: Don't be like that, smile for me!

Me: Be like what. I just figured out I love two boys, twins at that, who are my childhood friends. I never thought it was possible for me to like you both, I always looked at both of you as my best friends. Even worse, I might be in love with you two. I don't like the feeling of you gone from me. My feelings are taking over my entire body and mind.

He sat there quietly just staring at me. A slow smile crept up his face as he sat there looking at me. He never muttered a word, he just stayed the exact same way.

Me: What?

Lau: You said you might be in love with us!

He was grinning from ear to ear.

Me: There really is no might, I actually am.

Lau: Oh my god belle, I've wanting to tell you I was in love with you for so long.

Well, that took me by surprise.

Me: I'm in love with you Lau.

Lau: I'm in love with you too!

We sat there staring at eachother for what seemed like hours. Both of us had the cheesiest grins on our faces, until Lar came banging on my door.


Lar: Belle, let me in. I hear you talking to my brother.

Me: Non, he's mine right now. Go way!

He constantly kept banging on the door.

Me: LARRRRYYYY FUCKING BOURGEOIS, stop banging on my door or I'ma bang on your head.

Lar: Ughh, ok. Tell frére I'll call him later.

Me: Ok, I will now go away.

~Back on facetime~

Lau: Ok, that was fanny.

Me: What?

Lau: You and Lar fighting to talk to me.

Me: Sweety, don't flatter yourself.

Lau: Whatever you say Márrie!

Me: Ok ok, now back to this whole situation. How are you going to pull this off?

Lau: I've thought about that alot. That why I caught a flight to Sarcelles. I need to get with some people from my old crew. I know how they use to do, hopefully they will help me.

Me: Ok, do you need my help with anything?

Lau: NO, I don't want you in any part of this.

Me: Lau, I'm already in it. You're doing this because of me, remember!


Damn, I hate when she right, but I still don't want her a part of this. I know she won't back down offering to help me, so I just let her.

Me: Ok, I need you to get Lar to switch €200 from his account to mine. Then I need you to give me Jutîse number from Lar. He knows mostly everyone new to Sarcelles.

Márrie: Ok, I will. Hey, I'll be back.

Me: Where you going?

Márrie: Bathroom and kitchen, be right back.

She ran off before I could ask what she was about to do.

I took this time to think about the conversation we had about him and what he did to her, then I remembered something, she said she saw him dancing on the girl. She didn't actually see him cheat, or is there more to the story. Something doesn't sit right with me. She came back, taking me out of my thoughts. and she noticed my confused look.


Why is he looking at me like that.

Me: What?

Lau: Talk!

Me: About?

Lau: The whole situation between you and Devin.

Me: I already told you what-

Lau: NO, you didn't!


I was trying hard to think on my feet. Shit, ain't no point in trying to hide it now. Everything's about to get even realer than it is. I'm honestly scared of what his reaction will be to the rest of the story. Praying he doesn't go crazy, I'ma just try to tell it short and simple!

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