Chapter 6

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-Next Morning-


I woke up feeling very happy for some reason. Then, I remembered everything that happened last night. I got goosebumps all over again just thinking about it. I honestly feel awkward about it though; I don't know how they will react towards me now. Maybe I'll just stay in bed all day, but I smelled food. Eggs, bacon, toast, pancakes; Ok, maybe i'll go downstairs.


I think I will wait to talk to Márrie about last night. Right now, I'm hungry and Larry is no where to be found. Guess I'll do the cooking.


I had to go for a walk, I still couldn't believe last night happened. I know Lau has coped with it, but it's harder for me. I just hope things don't change between us, but I REALLY don't mind the fucking part.


Me: Hey

Lau: Hey

Me: What you cooking?

Lau: The usual, I'm pretty sure you already knew though.

I couldn't help but chuckle at that one.

Lau: Food's done.

Me: Ok

We sat at opposite ends of the table and ate. It wasn't really an awkward silence. It was more of an I'm too hungry to talk silence. I finished my plate and sat down on the couch. Lau soon followed and sat right beside me. Ok, that part was awkward.


I'm trying to think of a way to get her to tell me the rest of the story. Maybe I should just ask.

Lau: Márrie?

Márrie: Hmm?

Lau: What else happened between you and Devin?

I watched her body language as she tensed up hearing his name.

Márrie: I guess I should tell you. We should wait until Lar gets back though. I'll lose it if I have to repeat it twice.

I just nodded my head and sat back. I pulled her closer to me so she could relax a little. We just watched t.v. while waiting on Lar.


When I got back to the house, I instantly got hit with breakfast smell. I walked towards the kitchen and saw Márrie and Lau sitting on the couch watching t.v. I fixed some food and sat down at the table. They were both so quiet, not saying a word to eachother. It was strange. I finished my food and put my plate in the sink. Then Marrie called my name.

Márrie: Lar, We need to talk!

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