Chapter 5

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Me: No Márrie, you are not other girls.

Lau: We are not going to do that!

Me and my brother have shared girls before, but she's the exception. She's too important to us for us to do that to her.


I stood up and got in front of them both.



She wore her heart on her sleeve, I've always known this. But this was a surprise to me and my brother.

Lar: You sure?

She reassured by nodding. She started taking her clothes off while we sat still. She was beautiful, scratch that, gorgeous. Lar stood up and walked to her. I had a feeling of what we were gonna do. It was something new we came up with. He picked her up and put her on his shoulder with her stomach towards the ceiling. Her head was hanging down on Lar's stomach. He started walking really slow to her room. He looked at her face to see she was just staring at the ceiling. He gave me the thumbs up behind his back and I walked closely behind him.


I wasn't paying much attention until I felt my legs raise up. I couldn't see what was going on, but I didn't need to. I felt Lau's lips on my me and I moaned. I saw Lar with a devilished smile on his face. Lau was going in. I tried to get off Lar's shoulder, but I couldn't budge. He just kept going, and I didn't think I could take anymore. Lau had me shaking so much that I screamed. When I came, my entire body went limp and they caught me before I hit the floor. They laid me on the bed and turned their backs to me I didn't know what they were doing but they soon turned around smiling at me. Lau got on top of me and Lar walked to the side of the bed. He kissed me softly for a while and I moaned into his mouth when I felt Lau push inside me.

Lau: Aahhh!

Lar stopped kissing me and caressed my breast. On top of that, Lau decides to rub my me. I felt like I was going insane. I've never came so hard in my life. I was out of breath, but Lar was next and I knew it. I turned over and he grabbed me, squeezing my butt before he slapped it. I turned to look at him and he smiled.

Me: That stung!

Lar: You won't feel it later, trust me.

I turned back over and he climbed onto the bed. My head was kind of hanging of the side of the bed. Lar kissed the back of my neck and kiss all the way down my back. He somehow found my spot and I moaned loudly. I felt him smile against my skin. He kept going further until he got to my butt. He bit it and pulled my cheeks aparts. In one move, he licked from me all the way down. I was clawing at the bed by now. He slid a finger in and came up to me. He laid on me while he fingered me, listening to my moans.


Her moans were driving me crazy, I needed to be in her. I was still laying on her. Without warning, I slid in and she gasped for air. The look on her face was priceless, pure pleasure. Lau occupied her mouth to keep her moans from getting too loud. She sucked him off, and he was thrown. Larry could tell when his brother was gone off the edge, and that was the time. She came and I felt her wetness soak to the bed. I knew she was tired. I got off of her, walked around the side of the bed and kissed her. Lau did the same thing.


Dang, she give good head. Had me seeing stars and stuff. I didn't want her to sleep on the soaked bed, even if she did do it. I went and got a change of sheets and replaced them. she layed down and quickly went to sleep. Me and Lar were still up.

Lar: What just happened?

Lau: We both just did the unthinkable with Màrrie!

Lar: I know that, it's just that it was so shocking.

Lau: I felt the same, but she wouldn't let us protest.

Lar: I just feel bad, but I wanna hear the rest of the story. I feel like there was more to it.

Lau: There was, I could tell by how she was fidgeting. I'm tired, we can talk to her in the morning about it.

Lar: Ok, Goodnight Mon frére!

Lau: Goodnight Mon frére!

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