Chapter 25

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I've been in here since Màr said she wanted alone time with Lau. The thing is, I don't know where I am though. I was kidnapped before I even walked inside the hotel. They put some rag on my mouth and I was out. Now I wake up completely unaware of where I am.

Me: My phone, shit!

I searched around and checked my pockets, but I couldn't find it. I guess the darkness added to that.

?????: Looking for this.

They opened my phone and I saw the wallpaper with me, Lau, and Màr on it at Maman's house.

Me: Give me my phone!

?????: Oh, I will. You're going to make a phone call for me. You can call Màrrie and talk to her, make it seem like nothing is wrong. If you say the wrong thing, I'll hang up on her. We both know how Màrrie is. She picks up on weird, unusual things very easily. She'll worry, but never know for sure what's going on.

Me: Why are you doing this?!

Next thing I know, he slapped me hard as hell.


?????: You don't get to ask any questions, you just do as I say!

Now get the phone and call her.

He slid my phone to me and I called immediately. I didn't even give her a chance to say hello.

Me: Can I come home now?

Màr: Larry...

When she said my name like that, I could feel tears swell up in my eyes. I blinked and it felt like a waterfall came down my cheeks. I guess whoever this person was could tell because he ran to me. I flipped myself over to keep him from getting the phone. When he twisted my hair into a fist, I said what I wanted before he snatched the phone from me.

Lar: I want to come back. Lau had you all day, please bab-

It felt like something pinched my side hard and I twisted around.

Immediate pain shot up my back and I screamed.

Me: You took the phone even though you said talk to her! I didn't give any hints as to what happened!

?????: I'm not stupid, you were going to!

Me: No I was-

I felt another hard slap and I just cried then.

?????: SHUT UP!

I breathed slowly to control my crying and settled for sobbing a little.

Me: Why am I here? Why are you doing this? Most importantly, if I'm being kidnapped or held hostage, why am I not tied up?

?????: I said no questions, but I will gladly answer that last one. There was no point in tieing you up when we got you, because you were knocked out by that high acidic rag. And what's the point in tieing you up now. Where we are, you couldn't go anywhere even if you tried. Here, you are competely out of your element. Believe me!

I'm honestly shocked right now. I said nothing, because I had nothing to say. He walked to the door, but turned around before leaving.

?????: Bienvenidos a México. (Welcome to Mexico.)

He turned around and walked away. I heard the door lock and footsteps faintly disappear. I was trying to understand what he said. It wasn't until I felt myself unvolunteeringly going to sleep that I figured it out.

Me: Mexico.

And I was out.

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