Chapter 11

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-Next Morning-


I woke up refreshed from a good sleep. I haven't slept that good in a long time. When I rolled over, I noticed I was in the bed alone. I checked the bathroom, but Lau wasn't in there. I walked back in the room and saw a sticky note on the door. As I started reading, my smile quickly turned into a frown showing disbelief.

Me: I can't believe he left. Where could he have gone?

I felt the back of my eyes start burning, and I snatched the door open. Lar must of heard me walking because there he was, standing in front of my door with a tray of breakfast. He saw my facial expressions and placed the tray on the ground, walked up to me, and hugged me tight. I couldn't hold in the sadness, so I just cried into his chest. I could tell his brother leaving hurt him to because he was breathing hard, I guess trying to be strong for me. I knew at the moment, my voice was gone from crying so hard. I mouthed...

Me: Where's Lau?

He just shooked his head no. I put my head back on his chest, and sighed deeply. I don't understand why he would leave all of a sudden. We made love last night, and he's never left his brother like that before.

Me: Why aren't you with him?

Lar: Because I'm here with you and for you, both of us are.

Me: What do you mean both of you are? Lau isn't here!

Lar: Physically, he isn't. He's here alot more than you know.

Me: I still don't understand.

Lar: For now, you just need to know that he's gone to take care of a problem that's been bugging us for awhile. You'll find out what it is later on.

Me: Why can't you tell me now?

Lar: Baby, it's too soon to tell you now, ok?


She was about to say something until she realized what I said.

Márrie: Wait, what did you just call me?

Me: Baby?

Her expression turned into a huge grin and she kissed me. I was surprised by the kiss, only because it wasn't just a peck. It was so passionate, like we were inseperable. I drew back and looked at her. She smiled up at me while squeezing the life out of me with a hug. I laughed while begging for air until she finally eased up. I grabbed her hand and went to sit on the couch. Before I sat down, she whispered something in my ear that completely took me by surprise. I never really expected this from her.

Màrrie: I love you Lar!

I stood straight up and quickly turned around to face her. She was looking at me in my eyes while she spoke.

Màrrie: I always have. You and Lau both have my heart. You've carried it since we were little. I never said anything because I was afraid that I was only a childhood friend to you both. I love you Larry Nicolas Bourgeois. If Lau was here, I'd tell him the same.

I looked at her speechless, I'm never speechless. Still taking everything she said in, I kissed her hands and pulled her down to the couch beside me. I couldn't concentrate on the television because I was overjoyed at the moment. Of course, I had to turn into the crybaby version of myself. She noticed my tears and kissed them away. I looked in her eyes and said I love you too. She kissed me again, and we turned our attention back to the television.


I really don't know why I told him that. I mean it's true, but I was expecting to tell him and Lau later. My mouth just started talking before my mind did, and it was too late by then. I'm happy he feels the same way, but I don't know if Lau does. When I discovered Lau was gone, I guess I realized that they could be gone at any minute and I wouldn't even be able to blink by the time they would disappear. Happiness overpowered my thoughts as Larry laid us down on the couch to cuddle and watch t.v. I'm really enjoying this, but I still have to talk to Lau ASAP!

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