Chapter 9

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When I got home, Lar was nowhere to be found.

Me: LAR?

Lau: Lar left, I think he went to get something to eat.

Me: So I just did all of this grocery shopping, and he went to get something to eat. Typical!

He shrugged and came to help me with the bags. There it was again, that akward silence. I couldn't help but to think about yesterday, What Was Wrong? Do I make him uncomfortable now? I don't know.

Me: Lau?

Lau: Oui?

Me: What was wrong yesterday? You barely talked and you was zoned out in the line.

Lau: Nothing.

Me: Lau, I hope you not lying to me


If only she knew I was lying for her own good.

Me: I'm not lying.

Márrie: Ok

She walked away and sat on the couch. If I'm gonna do it. I might as well do it now. I left the kitchen and stood infront of her. She looked up at me confused and started to say something. But I pulled her up off the couch and kissed her. She stood there unmoved, eventually wrapping her arms around my neck. I pulled away and looked at her.

Márrie: What was th-, ahh!

I grabbed her and started running towards the room. I threw her on the bed and ran back towards the door and locked it. She sat up watching me run to the closet. I decided to have some fun, so I turned off all the lights and closed the black curtains.

Márrie: Laurent!

I stayed quiet while she sat on the bed trying to listen to hear me move. Luckily, I'm very good at tip toeing. I went to the bedside drawer and took out a condom. I slammed it shut and she jumped. Then, I walked around the bed, tugging on the hem of her shirt. She got the hint and started taking her shirt off. I snatched it out her hands and threw it across the room. She sat there very still, unsure of what to do. Her bra fell and she gasped from the cold air. I was very careful with unfastening it. Márrie grabbed the covers and rolled up herself up like a burrito. I chuckled and walked to the end of the bed. She was still covered up. I crawled under the end of the cover and unbuttoned her pants.


I didn't know where he went until I felt hands on my pants. He started pulling them down, but I reached and pulled them back up. He let go and kissed my hands. Then, he kissed my spot on my stomach and I moaned. Lau grabbed my hands and placed them in his hair. He started pulling my pants down and kissed further down with every pull. My pants were completely off. I quickly removed my hands and cover my panties. He licked my hands and moved my fingers with his tongue. His tongue got to me and he licked through my panties. I immediately pulled his hair. He didn't bother with trying to pull them down, he ripped them off me. Keep in my that I'm still wrapped in the covers, so I couldn't move. When he began french kissing it, I hurridly kicked off the covers and moaned louder. I pulled his hair harder when he started fingering me. I couldn't think straight, my entire body was hot. I felt like I was in a daze. There was a point to were I couldn't take anymore. I begged him to stop, but he just kept going. I screamed to the top of my lungs as my whole body shook, and I squirted all over his hand. Lau crawled up my body and stared into my eyes as he licked my juices off his hands. He gave an evil grin and pushed in without warning. I gasped for air and reached for things around me that weren't even there. Lau kissed me while moaning ino my mouth. I stopped kissing him to kiss his spot right under his ear. I knew about that when we all played truth or dare.

Lau: Shoot girl, don't do that!!

I giggled and he pushed further in.

Me: AAHHHH, gooooddddd!


That's what she get for laughing. I hooked my arm under her and flipped us over.

Me: Ride me?

Márrie: Are you asking or telling me to?

I thrust my hips up, which made her start grinding on me. I knew she couldn't resist it. She ride like a champ. Like, I'm not even kidding. I had to put my hands on her hips and make her slow down or I would've came early. Out of the blue, she turned around and bounced. Her hair was flailing on my face, but I didn't care. I use that as an advantage and grabbed her hair, pulling her to me while she kept riding.


I don't even know why this started, but I'm not complaining. When he pulled my hair, I arched my back and he started fucking me.


I whimpered when he hit my spot. I immediately got up, laid down beside him and said get it addy.


I like "daddy." When she told me to get it, I didn't oblige. When I pushed in, I knew I hit her spot right then because she started crying. I decided to go really slow. She was constantly clawing at my back. We were going at it like that for 30 minutes. We finally climaxed while screaming to the top of our lungs. I layed beside her. We cuddled while I watched her fall asleep.

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