Chapter 26

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I was sitting on the couch with Lau, waiting on Mérrie to get here. I don't know for sure if Lau was watching t.v., but I know I'm not. All I can think about is when this happened to my sister without me knowing at first. I felt terrible when I got that phone call from her telling me she was kidnapped and in Mexico then. I cried so hard after we got off the phone because she could've been dead and I'd have not one clue. I was actually happy for her and Masin to be going on vacation together, but I should've known better. After all, he is Masin's closest cousin. After what happened to me, I should've known something was not right about their family. Now here I am, actually aware of what's going on, and I'm so scared for all of our lives. I'm moreso terrified for Lar's life right now and whatever they could be doing to him. If only I didn't meet Devin and date him, this entire situatind could've been avoided!

I heard pounding on the door and Lau went to answer it. In walked in a very serious Mérrie.

Mér: Hey, so I brought a few things to help us along the way. You both already have your passports, so all you need are some fake I.D.s so no one knows who you really are. You need you're real I.D. and passport to get on the plane though. We have to get those made. I also brought some duffel bags for you to pack your belongings inside off.

Me: Woah woah woah, Mér. Is this what took you so long to get here? We could've helped you do all of this.

Mér: I know, but I've always been on my toes just incase something like what happened to me happens again or even worse. So, all of this was already stashed in my closet back doors!

Lau: Ok, but why do we need those duffel bags? Why we can't use our own?

Mér: My bags actually contain secret compartments all around the bag. No one would know about them unless you bought the bag or the owner of the bag told you. My bags will be easier to carry through the security line with the scan.

Lau: Ok, that does make more sense.

Mér: I already packed some weapons in the compartments. So both of you, carefully grab a bag and look through it. As soon as you open the bags, there is a list I wrote of all the compartments and what was in each one. You might have the same weapons, you might not.

Me: Damn sis! Are you ready or nah?

Mér: I've been ready, Masin going to jail last time and hime being kicked out the enterprise still didn't satisfy me then. I want to get his ass back really good this time. So, again, how do you know for sure that Larry is in Mexico?

Lau: I put trackin devices on all of our phones just to be safe. There's one on Larry's phone too. We can turn off the back tracking for which phone we don't want to track us anymore.

Mér: Ok, both of you turn your back tracking from Larry's phone off.

I did what she said and asked a question I was worried about.

Me: Are you going to be ok? You know after all of this.

Mér: Please. After all of this, I'll be ecstatic! Oh, I've already bought our plane tickets and have arranged for police pick up in Mexico for dumb and dumber. I have a feeling they'll be coming after us in the airport. They should be in jail for good after all of this. I'm beyond ready for this. Let's go!


I'm so drained to the point of not even fighting back anymore. I know where I am, but everyone else thinks I'm still at the hotel. I'm good as dead right about now. i could die here and no one would even know that I went missing. If only I could contact them in some kind of way. I would try telepathy with Lau, but I don't think that would work with him being so far away. I guess it doesn't hurt to try though.

~In thought~

Lar: Laurent mon frere, please here me! I need you to hear me and listen.

I kept repeating the same thing, hoping to get a response from him sooner or later. That's all I could do at this point!


We were in line at the airport and my head started pounding. I was so telpted to scream and not even care, that's how much it hurt. I knew I had to get to Larry though. Weird thing is, I could've sworn I heard his voice. 'Laurent' 'I need you...' It kept fading in and out. I realized that it actually was my brother!

Me: Màr, Mér. I heard my brother. He contacted me somehow in my head.

Màr: I thought your twin telepathy only worked when you're close.

Me: That's what I was thinking too, he still managed to somehow.

Mér: Well keep listening and tell us what he said.

Me: Ok.

I started listening again. I could hear him clearer this time. 'Laurent mon frere,' 'please hear me!' ' I need you to hear me'

Both: Oh my god, tell him he'll be ok!

~In thought~

Lau: No worry Larry. We coming for you now, and gonna handle those two!

I kept repeating it, hoping he heard me.


I heard mon frere's response. I don't have to worry anymore, now I just have to act like nothing has changed my attitude. He said "We", so I guess Màr and Mèr are coming to help also. I thought back a simple 'Thank You!' and he said 'No thanks, have eachother backs no matter what happens to one!

I smiled remembering Maman's words. I can sleep peacefully now that I don't have to worry about them knowing where I am. Only a matter of time now.

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