Chapter 24

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Hey guys, I'm back. I know I've been gone for a long time, so I hope this chapter makes up for it.


After Lau told me about his dream, I was happy. It caught me off guard, which made it even more special. We spent all day in the house, without Lar. I kinda felt bad, but I wanted to give Lau the attention he deserved all day. And here's Lar calling me now.

Lar: Can I come home now?

Me: Larry...

Lar: I want to come back. Lau had you all day, please bab-

That was weird. The line just cut off.

I called again but he didn't answer. Something's not right, maybe I shouldn't have sent him to a hotel for the night. But the hotel is literally down the street.


Lau: What?

Me: Where are you?

Lau: Bedroom closet.

I manuevered from the couch to the closet quickly.

Me: Let me see your phone.

Lau: You have your own, use it.

Me: Not in the mood for you divaness, just let me see it.

Lau: No, use yo-

Me: Dammit Lau, just let me see the phone.

Lau: Ok ok, it's on the dresser.

I walked off while mumbling "complicated ass".

I snatched his phone and called Lar. Now the phone isn't even ringing.

Me: Lau, I think something is wrong.

He walked out and stared at me.

Lau: Why, what's wrong?

Me: I was on the phone with Lar and the phone cut off while we were talking. I called back on my phone, but he didn't answer. I just called on your's and it didn't even ring.

Lau: Don"t worry, he'll be ok.

Me: How can you be calm at a time like this. They could have your brother!

Lau: I had a feeling something would happen to one of us with Devin's asshole friend looking for us. I put a tracking device on all of our phones, so each of us can track eachother. We can do it from the computer too.

Me: And you didn't tell us this because...

Lau: I forgot.

Me: I oughta slap you, but I'm too worried about Lar at the moment. Get on the computer and do your search thingy.

Lau: Locator?

Me: Yea, that.

Lau logged into his computer and went to the website. He logged into that and put in a code and it started searching. He clicked on the tab that Lar was found in and read it.

Lau: It say he is in another country, so I think he's in New Mexico in U.S.A.

Me: Lau, that says Mexico. As in BELOW THE U.S.A. Oh my god, I'm going to have a panick attack, why would he take him there. I can't believe they got Larry across the world.

Lau: Do you remember any connections Devin would have to Mexico.

Me: No, I don't think- Oh no, that's where Masin took Mèrrie when he kidnapped her.

Lau: Do you think she could help?

Me: I honestly don't know. That was a hard time for her. It was hard for her to get over, but I'll try.

I looked for my sister's number and just looked at it. I don't know if I should text her or call her. Maybe I should call her so she can hear how serious I am.

Mèr: Hey sis, what's up?

Me: I need to ask you a favor.

Mèr: Sure, what is it.

Me: Do you remember Masin?

She was quiet for awhile and finally spoke up.

Mèr: Yes, I do. I don't feel like talk-

Me: I need your help.

Mèr: I'm listening.

Me: I'm so scared right now. Devin and Masin want us back, but I said hell no. And he said he would get us back, and I think they've kidnapped Larry and took him to Mexico.

Mèr: This is what your calling about. How do you even know if he's in Mexico.

Me: It's a long story. Can you help us?

Mèr: I don't feel comfortable-

Me: Please sister, I really think Larry is in alot of danger. You know I wouldn't bring up that hurtful past unless it was serious.

She got quiet again. I guess she was thinking it over.

Mèr: I'm on my way.

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