Chapter 13

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Ughh, what does Lar want now!

Lar: Màrrriiieee!!!


Lar: It's Lau, he wants to speak to you.

For some reason, I felt like a big lump was stuck in my throat.

Me: Ok.

I walked back to the kitchen and snatched my phone away from him.

Lar: Heyyyy!

I mouthed "I Love You" and he had the biggest, cheesiest, cutest, smile on his face. I laughed and kissed his cheek. He walked and hugged me from behind while I talked to Lau.

Me: Hello.

Lau: Márrie!

Me: Huh?

Lau: How did you know?

I stopped and thought about how to word it.

Me: Well, I remembered your reaction to my story, how you zone out alot more now, and the faces you make... they're like you were disgusted with something. I just thought about it and it clicked.

Lau: Oh, Desóle belle.

Me: It's ok, I'm a little bit more calm now since I'm talking to you instead of wondering what happened. Just promise me one thing Lau.

Lau: Oui Belle?

Me: Don't do that to me ever again.

Lau: Never again!

Me: Promise?

Lau: I promise!

I didn't even realize Lar had let me go until he came back with a photobook of his family. I looked at the first picture and stared. I was trying to be quiet, but I just had to bust out laughing.

Lau: What you laughing at?

Me: A picture of you when you were a baby, so cute but you have food everywhere.

Lau: How you get that?

Me: Larry.

Lau: Can I speak to mon frére?

Me: Ughh, Oui!


I put Lau on speaker so I could hear what he said.

Me: Here's Larry.

Lau: Mon frére, I really don't like you right now.

Lar: Pour-quoi? (Why?) What I do?

Lau: You showing photobook without me, I want to see her smile too when she looks at our past. I want to tell the story behind pictures too. I want to laugh with her when we all see fanny picture. Put the photobook back up please?

You can probably tell by now that I'm blushing major at the moment. It's crazy how I have an affect on their moods just like they do on mines.

Lar: Ok frére. Márrie blushing, OH MY GOD.


When I heard that, that's when I realized I was on speaker.

Lau: Márrie, Amour vous belle!

Márrie: Amour vous Lau, both of you!

Lar: Awe, semi-group hug!

Márrie: I can't breathe. hughh!

Lar: Desòle, Amour vous belle!

Márrie: Amour vous Lar! Lau, I'll facetime you later on tonight.

Lau: Ok, bonjour!

Márrie & Lar: Bonjour!

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