Chapter 4

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I sat back as the silenced was placed again. Something was off right now. We walked in the house and plopped down on the couch.


Lau: I'm so tired

Lar: Me too!

Me: I'm about to go shower.

She got off the couch when Lar stopped her.

Lar: Wait...

She turned around looking confused. He had her wrist in his hand.

Me: Uhh?

Lar: What was wrong earlier? You danced today like you was pissed off at the world.

Lau: Yea, that's usually not you. What's up?

I knew they would remember. I sat back down and took a deep breath.

Me: You remember when I gave Lau the checklist and walked outside.

Both: Mmhmm

Me: Well, I saw a name that took me by surprise. I immediately felt sad then anger hit.

Both: Why?

Me: Well, the reason I moved out my house was on that list.

They looked at me confused until it clicked.

Both: Oh ok.

Me: Yeah, my ex was there and it was shocking and I felt so bad.

Lau: I have a question?

Me: Sure.

Lau: Which person was it?

Me: He was tall, had light brown skin, green eyes, braids, and-

Lar: Wait a minute, I know who you talking about.

Both: You do?

Lar: Yea he was in my group. He kept staring at you and I had to keep getting his attention back on me.

Me: Oh

Lau: What happened between you and ?????

Me: Devin

I flinched hearing his name come out my own mouth.

Lau: Yea, him?

Me: Long story short, he cheated on me. We were together for a while and it hurt hearing it from someone else, but it hurt worse when I asked him and he confirmed it, with the aftermath.

I could feel tears swelling up in my eyes. I quickly wiped them away and apologized.

Me: I should've told you sooner, but it hurts to talk about it. Even though it was almost a year ago, it still hurt like it happened yesterday.

They just listened to me talk. I thanked God for them being good listeners. They didn't judge me at all. I really love these twins. They sat on either side of me, one rubbing my back and the other playing in my hair.

Both: We're sorry.

Me: For what?

Lar: For making you talk about it.

Me: It's fine. it was long overdue for me to tell you anyway.

Lau sat quietly playing with my fingers. I moved my hand and he looked at me. The sorryness was written all over his face. For some reason, I kissed him. Why did I kiss him?

Me: I'm so-

Lau: It's fine.

Lar: I am gonna head to-

Me: NO, stay!?!

He Looked at me and sat back down. I was feeling bad and didn't want either of them to leave my side. Lau was looking kinda shocked and I kissed Lar. Even I was surprised at that. Lar looked at me and then at Lau.

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