Chapter 17

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Me: Hey Larry.

Lar: Hey, what's up.

Me: Well, I got good news. Apparently, I won't have to start from scratch on this search. Jutîse already knows about Devin. Oh, and thanks for telling me he was coming.

Lar: I never got to because you was on the phone so long with Márrie, don't blame me. Anyway, what are you gonna do now.

Me: Most likely, I'll try to use his old resources on Devin to find him. He said there were people saying that he moved out of the country, but he don't believe that piece of shit information.

Lar: Oh ok, well is he still there?

Me: Yea, he's in the kitchen.

Lar: Of course!

Both: The kitchen has always been his friend.

They paused and then busted out laughing at that.

Lar: Oki oki, let me talk to him.

Me: Why?

Lar: Just give him the phone please!

Me: Fine!


Me: Jutîse, Larry wants to talk to you.

Jutîse: About what?

He walked out the kitchen to where I was.

Me: I don't know, he didn't say.

~On the phone~


Oh lord, what he want?

Me: Hello

Lar: Hey Ju, I see you got there in one piece.

Me: Yea, but what did you want?

Lar: Look. I know you're our brother from another mother, but try not to get him or yourself in trouble. I mean it Ju!

Me: You signed up for trouble when you called me. There is no guarantee because mostly everything I do is illegal! You already know this, but I'll try bot to get into trouble for your sake.

Lar: Thank you. Tell Lau to call me later.

Me: Ok, bonjour.

Lar: Bonjour.

I should've known that's what he wanted to talk about. He knows me too well, and really loves his brother.

Me: Lau.

Lau: In my room.

Me: Here's your phone. I'm tired so I'm gonna head to my room.

Lau: Do you need money for a taxi or anything.

Me: Non, I'm in the same hotel fool.

Lau: Alright, talk to you later.

Me: Ok.

Lau: Hey, wait...What did Larry want.

Me: Nothing major, being overprotective of you, as always.

Lau: Gotcha, bonne nuit.

Me: Bonne nuit.


I'm not worried, why would I be worried. Oh yeah, because Jutîse almost got us all put in jail. Luckily, Márrie found out and paid bail for us upfront. Our case was dismissed due to lack of detailed evidence against us and our lawyer demanded immediate release.

Márrie: Hey, everything ok?

Me: Yeah, he's with Jutîse.

Márrie: And you're not nervous about that.

Me: Yeah, I am. I just asked him toplease try not to get into any trouble. He said there-

Márrie: is no guarantee.

Me: Yeah.

Márrie: What you wanna do now?

Me: I can think of one thing.

She sat on my lap.

Márrie: What's that one thing?

Me: You!

I picked her up while she laughed and took off running to the room.


Yeah, I know where she stay.

Yep, with Larry and Laurent.

I don't know about that, that sounds like a bad idea.

Pay me right, don't try to cheat me out of my money later, and I'll do it.

Make that $1000, $2000 and we have a deal.

Ok, I'll call you when I get to my room.

Across the street, I'm not that stupid to stay in the same condo area.

Alright, bye.

***Who do you think this could be?***

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