Chapter 19

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When I woke up, we were still in the tub. I slowly stood and step out with one foot and attempted the other foot until I felt him grab my ankle.

Me: Sowwy, I was trying to no wake you up.

Lar: It's ok. We need to get out anyway, look at our skin.

I looked at my fingers, and my skin was shriveled up like I'm 80. I laughed and grab a towel off the rack.

Me: Are you gonna get out?

I started drying off while waiting on him to answer me.

Lar: I lazy now, pick me up.

I stared at him like he was stupid.

Me: Uh uh, you know you too heavy for me to carry. Now Get Up!

Lar: Fine, dang.

I walked out the bathroom singing, "Thank youuu veryyy much!" When I got to the room, I saw some suitcases on the bed that looked too familiar.

Me: Larryyy?

Lar: Oui?

Me: Come here please?

He walked in with the towel around his waist and immediately looked at the bags.

Lar: What are Lau's bags doing here?

Me: That's why they looked familar! I was about to ask you who's were they.

Lar: You think he got to him?

I stopped and stared at the bags for a while.

Me: No way, he couldn't have gotten to him that quick!

Lar: Then I no unders-

Me: Wait, did you hear that?

Lar: No, what you hear?

Me: I don't know, but I'm gonna find out.

I ran to my closet and put on my pajamas since it was still early early morning. When I walked in the kitchen to get a knife, I heard the noise again. Then I heard Lar walked up behind me in his pajamas, and I told him to give me his sharpest knife. He walked to the drawer and took it out. I snatched it from his hands and ran towards the living room with a firm grip on the knife. I got in by the first couch and stopped when I saw a bushy fro.

Me: La-la-urrent?

He turned around and smiled at me. I threw the knife at the wall and ran to him. He stood up to catch me, but I crashed into him, sending us back onto the couch. He laughed while I showered his face with kisses.

Me: I (kiss) MISSED (kiss) YOU (kiss) SO (kiss) MUCH (kiss) LAURENT! (long kiss)

Lau: Were you going to stab me with that knife?

He laughed harder and sat up on his elbows.

Me: What are you doing here, I thought you were still looking for Devin.

Lau: I am, but something happened, so I came back home to keep looking.

I guess Larry recognized the voice because he ran (more like skipped with his long legs) in the living room and piled on top of us.


Lau: Hey Brother!

He climbed off of us and pulled Lau up by his hair. When Lau finally got to his feet, he pulled him into a hug. I smiled up at them sharing their special brotherly hug that I haven't seen in a while. They stood there for what seemed like ages before they let go.

Lar: Quick question though...Why are you back? Don't get wrong, I happy you back, but it's so sudden. And you had her scared to death because she heard noise that was apparently you!

Lau: Sorry about scaring you, but I was just about to tell ya'll what happened.

I sat up and slid over so they could sit down.

Már: So explain...?

Lau: I was getting ready to do another overlook when I get a phone call. I didn't recognize the number, but I figured it was someone important if they have my personal number. I answered and someone named Masin threatened to find me and hurt me if I didn't drop you and finding Devin. I said no to both and he kept threatening me. He said some personal things about me which was really confusing. I cursed him out, yelled don't call my fucking phone anymore, and call Jutîse. He came over quick and tracked the phone number, and that bitch was somewhere in sarcelles. He must have been brand new to sarcelles, because Jutîse didn't know anyone there named Masin.

Me: Shiit just got really real.

Lau: What you mean, you know him?

Me: Yea, I actually do. He's my sister's ex boyfriend.

Lar: And Devin's bestfriend and homeboy.

He looked at Larry, I'm guessing wondering how does he knows that.

Me: Masin came by yesterday, attacked Larry, threatened me to leave ya'll because Devin wants me back, and is trying to get back together with my sister which will NEVER happen.

Lau: Bro, he attacked you, threatened Márrie and you didn't call me?

Lar: I was going to call this morning. Már was too upset last night and didn't want to talk about it right then. I just wanted her to relax. We bathed and she went to sleep on me while I thought about how the hell was I suppose to protect you and you was in Sarcelles. I guess God was on my side with this one.

Lau: Oki, I understand now! But we can talk more in better time, it too early. Ya'll can go on to sleep!

I stood up and looked him in the eyes.

Me: Laurent, it's our bed. Our is you, me and Larry, so come on!

I reached my hands out to them both and walked us to the bed. I layed down in the middle with Lar behind me and Lau infront of me. He was kissing me and kept telling me how much he missed me and his brother. Everytime he said it, I felt Lar rub my thighs. That helps me get to sleep quicker for some reason, but they dom't know that. I was dozing off until felt Lau raise up off the bed. I opened my eyes when I felt him lay his head between my legs.

Lau: I miss you and your body too much to sleep right now.

Lar turned me over and kissed me sweetly.

Lar: And I just want you up with me.

Me: What about sleep?

Both: NON!

Welp, I can forget that now!

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