Chapter 8

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I notice Lau wasn't saying much. I guess he was trying to take everything in and not react like I did. But I saw him smile once she mentioned food. I think he'll be ok, I hope.


I really couldn't say much. I'm just happy that she's here with us and not him. This makes me want to hurt him though, he put his hands on my best friend. I don't care who you are, you don't put no hands on any girl or women. Her being my childhood best friend just heightens my hatred towards him. I know Larry is worried about me, I could feel it. I'll tell him what I plan on doing to Devin after he's admitted to the hospital. NO ONE HITS MÁRRIE!

Márrie: Lau, Lau, LAURENT!

Me: Ow, why you scream in my ear.

Márrie: Maybe because we're in line ordering and you were just standing there.

Me: Sowwy.

I pouted cause I really was sorry.

Márrie: It's ok Lau, no need for the pouting trick. Just order your food so we can sit down and eat.

Me: KK!

She started walking to the seats. I quickly grabbed her arm, spun her around, and kissed her. I love her so much more since we had sex, it's no longer just as a friend. Tonight, We will make love. I'll tell Larry to watch after her when I leave the next morning. I'll write her a note promising that I will return to her so she won't worry too much. I don't know how long I'll be gone, but I do know that I refuse to come back until he is in the hospital, dead or alive. You lied that you were at work, when you were clubbing. You got drunk when everyone knows being around drunk people is Marrie's number one pet peeve. You danced all up on some girl for hours. And when you get caught, you wanna take her phone and throw it on the couch. Then, slam her into the wall making her bleed. Where they do that at? Devin has no right to be mad. You about to get what's coming for you, alot sooner than you think. That's not something that you can get away with that easily. Not as long as Laurent Nicholas Bourgeois has something to say about it.


I'm so full right now. I just want to sleep, ughh!


I don't think I should have told them what happened. Lar's sad and Lau.....he looked pissed until I called his name. His face was twisted like he was thinking hard about something. I just hope it wasn't about me.

Me: Lau, are you okay?


I heard her say my name and that's it. Everything else was zoned out after that.

Me: Desólè, what you say?

Márrie: I said are you okay?

Me: Yea, I'm fine.

Márrie: Ok, I guess.

She knows something isn't right, I can feel it. I need to relax when I'm around her, or else she'll start asking questions.


I will drop the situation, for now. I really need to go to the store though. I yelled at them to see if they needed anything from the store. They both said non, so I left.


I went to talk to Lau cause I'm worried about him. When I walked in his room, Fun House by Pink was on full blast. That's one song I'm not very fond of.

Me: Man, why you listening to this?

Lau: I like it, duh.

Me: I know something is wrong. You listen to songs you rarely listen to when your upset or angry. What's wrong?

His face went from confusion, to anger, to defeat.

Lau: Fine!


I might as well tell him now. He's caught on so there is no point in lying.

Me: I've been thinking alot about that story Marrie told us.

Lar: And?...

Me: I want to go find Devin.

Lar: Lau, NO! You know how you get.

Me: I'm just going to talk to him.

Lar: We both know that's a lie!

Me: Ok, ok. But why can't I?

I stared at him while he thought. It seemed like he couldn't come up with a good enough answer that I couldn't work around. I smirked when he lowered his head.

Lar: When are you leaving?

Me: Tomorrow morning. I will leave a note so she doesn't worry about me. But I need you to look after her while I'm gone.

Lar: Ughh, ok. You just better come back in one piece!

Me: Thank you, mon frère . Je'taime!

Lar: Je'taime!

We hugged and then kept eachother company until Márrie got back.


I guess Lau really is leaving tomorrow. He's probably going to have sex, make love, to Márrie again before he go. I might as well leave them to it. He can have this one time alone with her.

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