Chapter 16

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Dang, they were on the phone to long. Guess I'll wait and talk to brother tomorrow morning. I'm way passed tired right now.

I laid down and wrapped myself in the comforter. I almost instantly fell asleep, but I then felt the bed dip down. I didn't bother to look because I knew who it was. I just turned around and snuggled into her while holding her close.

~Next Morning~


I love sleeping in the same bed with Lar. Just looking at his sleeping face is an experience, he looks so peaceful. I guess he felt me staring at him cause he woke up and kissed my forehead.

Lar: Mmmm, morning bella.

Me: Good morning.

He leaned in to kiss me, but I slid back.

Me: I don't kiss with my morning breathe.

He kissed my forehead and said ok. I rolled over and my stomach starts feeling weird. Oh god, I feel..I hopped up and ran to the bathroom. I fell on my knees over the toilet and hurled. I don't know where that came from, it happened out of nowhere.

I heard him run towards the bathroom.

Lau: Are you ok?

He looked so spooked once he reached the door.

Lar: Oh my god Márrie, are you ok?

He ran to me and pulled my hair up.

Me: I'm fine, I think.

I threw up again and he held my hair up while rubbing my back.

Lar: You think?

He handed me some tissue and continued rubbing my back.

Me: I'll be fine, don't worry. I might have ate the wrong combination of food last night.

Lar: Ok. he mumbled, or you could be pregnant.

Me: What you say?

Lar: Nothing, I go get something to settle your stomach.

Me: Thanks!


I walked out quickly and made a turn inside the guest room while locking the door behind me. I immediately called Lau, I could be wrong about this, but he needs to know this just in case it's true.

Lau: Larry, it 9 in the morning, what is it?

Me: I have something you might want to hear!

Lau: This better be good, waking me up early in the morning. You know I'm not a morning person.

I went to the mini kitchen and I grabbed the sprite. I added some water to it with half an advil and shook it.

I took a deep breathe and said quickly:

Me: This morning, Márrie hopped up and ran to the bathroom. I thought she was going to brush her teeth until I heard a loud thud. I ran to the bathroom thinking she tripped on something and fell really hard. I got to the door and she was bent over the toilet. She was on her knees throwing up a lot. When I checked her she said she would be fine and threw up again. She claimed it wrong combonation of foods,so I said ok and left to get something for her stomach. I'm not 100% sure, but I think she could be pregnant.

There was silence on Lau's end.

Me: Hello?

Lau: Facetime me.

Me: Ook?


When Lau's face came on my screen, I noticed the enormous smile on his face.

Lau: Are you serious brother?

Me: Yea, I think so, but I'm not sure. I wanted to tell you just in case.

Lau: Does she know you think this?

Me: Nope, and she won't know either. I'll watch her for a few weeks to see if anything changes or stays the same. You know, some of the sure signs of pregnancy.

Lau: Yea, that's a good idea. I hope she is, I'd love to be a father.

Since we come from a huge family, we adore kids.

Me: I too!

There was a knock at Lau's door.

Me: Hey, someone's at your door.

Lau: Yea, let me call you back so I can see who this is.

Me: Oki, bonjour mon frére.

Lau: Bonjour.

~End of Facetime~


OH MY GOD, MÁRRIE COULD BE PREGNANT. I'm beyond happy right now.

I couldn't wipe the smile of my face when I walked to the door. When I tried to look through the peephole, it was covered. I've only known one person in my life that does that, it had to be Jutîse. When I opened the door, sure enough, it was him. My smile eased up a little when I remembered what he's here for.

Here we go!

Jutîse: Bonjour, mon frère d'une autre mère. (Hello, my brother from another mother.)

This boy is beyond corny!

Me: Bonjour, how did you get here. How did you even know I needed you?

Jutîse: Your brother called me and told me what you needed. I'm more than happy to help. So what's the dude's name?

Me: Devin Losiér.

Jutîse: DEVIN, that bitch, I've been looking for him. He's known for getting with any and everybody's girl. He doesn't care what he does. He got into some more stuff too that he had no business in. That business had to do with me though. A lot of people have asked me about finding him and taking him down for them. I had a lead on him, but it was no use after a while. Word is he moved out the country, but I know that's a cover up story. That son of a bitch is still in France somewhere.

Me: Dang, I didn't know he was wanted that bad. I just want him for not only hurting Márrie, but for crushing someone else's dreams of marriage.

Jutîse: Yea, Larry told me and what you talking about marriage. Larry didn't tell me that.

Me: Thats because he doesn't know yet. Márrie has some more stuff to tell him.

Jutîse: Oh ok. Well I'm all for this plan, whatever it is?

Me: Good, let me call Larry and tell him what's going on.

Jutîse walked off.

Jutîse: I'll be in the kitchen.

I screamed:

Me: Of course, same old Jutîse. The kitchen has always been your friend.

Jutîse: Yea, yea, yea.

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