Chapter 20

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I found Laurent's hotel, now I just have to find his room number.

I walked inside the hotel found the clerk's desk.

Me: Hi, I've been staying here with my brother for a few days. He had to go to a meeting. He said I could wait back at the room for lunch, but I lost my key, could you give me a spare one?

Clerk: Sure, his name please?

Me: Laurent Bourgeois.

I had to keep my giddyness on the inside down a bit. She actually fell for it.

Clerk: I'm sorry but your brother has already checked out.

Me: I didn' know he checked out already. Well, can I at least go get my stuff.

Clerk: Hold on one second, 'manager to front desk please.'

I was a little taken back that she was buzzing the manager. Not 5 minutes later did he show up. There was no way this boy checked out without me knowing.

Manager: Yes?

Clerk: One of the guest's brother didn't know he checked out and needs to retrieve his belongings from the room. Can he go get his things, he ask for a room key too because he lost his.

Manager: We usually don't do this, but you seem legit enough to retrieve your belongings.

Me: Thank you so much!

Clerk: Here you go, room 600 on the top floor. It's the main suite.

I smiled happily at the manager.

Me: Thank you!

Manager: You're welcome.

I took the key and turned to walk to the elevator. Beside it was a staircase that goes to each floor. I decided to take them so there would be no run in with him. Every flight of stairs went up 100 rooms. When I finally reached flight 500, I took a deep breathe and opened the door.

Me: So far, so good.

I started walking but didn't see that room number. I was confused as hell. I was about to turn around when I saw room service come around a corner that I didn't notice before.

Me: Excuse me, what room number is around that corner.

RS: I believe it's room 600.

Me: Merci.

She nodded her head and kept walking. I went around the corner and was right at the door. This room is sectioned off from the others.

Me: That bot must of had some money on him to get this room.

I got the key out my pocket and unlocked the door. I walked in and there was no sign of anyone being there. I checked every room, every bathroom, and the balcony. Nothing was here.

Me: DAMMIT, HE'S GONE. Now how am I suppose to explain this to Devin.

I decided to call him while I was still there. It's better for him to find out early.

Devin: Hello.

Me: Hey, I lost Laurent. I at his room now, apparently he checked out already.

Devin: SHIT, I'll check records online to see where he could be. In the mean time, check every hotel in that city. He could've just switched to another one.

Me: Ok, sounds good to me.

Devin: Oh, and Masin?

Masin: Uh huh?

Devin: When I find him, don't lose him again. I'll drop you and get Màrrie on my own. I don't do extra services for nothing in return.

Devin: Ok, I won't lose him again!

I hung up and sat on the bed. I have to keep up with him this time, I can't risk not getting Mèrrie back. I miss her. I know I did her wrong, but hopefully, I can change her mind. Unlike her hard- headed ass sister. Always being complicated. I got some major work to do on her. I wonder how this whole situation is going to turn out.

****Masin lost Laurent, Laurent is at home, and Devin is pissed at Masin. Things are getting alot worse now!****

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