Chapter 18

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I was sleeping so good till someone kept knocking on the door. I looked at the time and it was 8:00 p.m. We slept the whole day away after last night's activities😉. I gently slid from under Márrie and walked to the door while rubbing my eyes.

Me: Who is it?

?????: Room Service

Me: Oki, hold on.

I don't know who this is, but I'm not that gullible. We don't get room service, we live in a condo for christ sake. I gotta wake Márrie up.

Me: Márrie

Már: sleepy voice- What Larry?

Me: Babi, wake up

Már: What you call me?

Me: Babi.

Már: Awe, I like that nickname. What's wrong babi?

Me: Someone woke me up by knocking on the door-

Már: And-

Me: Let me finish! I walked to the door and asked who it was and they kept saying room service.

Már: But we're not in a hotel!

Me: Exactly!

She started looking worried.

Me: I'm gonna go back and answer the door. You go in the kitchen and wait. You know where all the stuff is hidden, so grab something. If you hear anything bad, come in quick oki.

She gulped and I hugged her tight. I walked her to the kitchen and swiftly walked to the door. When I opened it, no one was there. I looked around the corner, and someone tackled me. We fell backwards into the living room and wrestled on the floor. I drew back for a punch, but I immediately stopped when a gun sound clicked. We looked up to Márrie who was holding a rifle towards the person.

Már: ¿¡Qu'est-ce que tu fais ici Masin?! (What the hell are you doing here Masin?!)

Masin: Et bonjour à toi aussi par la façon dont! (Hello to you too!)

He pushed up away from me and stood up. I got up and walked to stand behind Márrie.

Már: Get out!

I turned to look at Márrie.

Me: Who is he?

Masin: I'm Devin's bestfriend!

Már: And Mèrrie's EX boyfriend.

Me: OOH, wait why is he here?

Masin: Anyways, Devin wants you back and I want Mèrrie back! That's why I'm here.

She jumped up and down while smiling, which really confused me.

Már: happy squeaky voice- OMG, ARE YOU SERIOUS! Get the fuck on somewhere with that bullshit.

I laughed so hard at that. She fooled his ass.

Már: Ya'll did us wrong, Get out. We want nothing to do with you two ever again!

Masin: That's what you say now, but things will change later on. And I don't know what you laughing at Larry Bourgeois!

Me: How you know my name!

Masin: I know alot more than you think. I also know your twin brother, Laurent, is searching for my homeboy. Yea, tell him to quit that!

Me: Or what?

Masin: He'll be in so much pain that you can feel it!

Me: We'll see, now get the fuck out.

Masin: I happily will leave for now but remember this, I'm coming for all of you. Drop what Laurent is doing or I'll find him.

Both: GET OUT!!!

I looked at Márrie who had the rifle ready to shoot. I stepped infront of her and silently begged her to put the rifle down. She slowly started bringing the rifle down.


Awe hell, he fucked up calling her a bitch. She pushed me to the floor and shot at him. He moved just in time to dodge the bullets and ran out the door.


Me: Márrie, it's ok. We can handle his ass with no problem. I'm gonna go run a bathe, oki.

She just nodded. I knew she was trying not to cry, all the memories were flooding back to her and I could tell she needed to relax. She went and grabbed her clothes out the drawer. I went to the bathroom and ran her water while she brought her clothes to me. She began to cry into my chest, and I sat down on the edge of the tub while rubbing her back. Moving her clothes to the sink, I picked her up and put her in the water.

I told her I would be right back and turned the water off. I walked to the security guard office and told them to roll back tape. They did and took a clear picture of Masin. I told them he is not allowed anywhere near the condo and to hang the pictures up any and everywhere. They agreed and I went back to the room.

Már: Bath with me please!

Me: Oki!

I stripped down and sat behind her. I pulled her back into my chest as we both soaked in the water.

Shit, now Lau has to find Devin quick before Masin finds him. I have alot of explaining to do tomorrow. Now, I gotta worry about this too! I don't know what Masin is capable of, butI know for sure my stubborn brother won't come back until he finds Devin.

I really need some good sleep. I let the water out a enough and grabbed a huge pillow for us to rest on. I turned us over on our side, and we instantly fell asleep, hoping for a better tomorrow!

*******Who will find who first?*******

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