ONE||Isabela Cosgrove (EDITED)

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"Can I get a mocha, with extra whipped cream please?" A brunette spoke out.

I quickly wrote down her order and asked "Is that all miss?"

She hummed and paused."...and a tiny piece of chocolate cake."

I wrote down the rest of her order quickly and chirped "coming right up", and watched her walk to an empty table.

I tore the paper out of the note pad and gave it to the trainee. I disposed my dirty rag, picked up a white clean one sprayed with Windex and started to wipe the tables clean. The bell dinged indicating the mocha and cake is prepared. I served the brunette her food and smiled at her.

"Here you go."

"Thank you." She stated back, but I couldn't help to notice it didn't reach her eyes.

I sat across from her and questioned her. "Are you okay?"

She faked a cough. "Yes. I'm fine."

"If you need someone to talk to, I'm here every morning till the afternoon." I

"Okay, thanks."

"Autumn Night."

"Autumn, such a pretty name."

"Thank you."

"I wish I had a pretty name." She murmured quietly.

"What's your name?"

"Isabela Cosgrove."

"Such a pretty name, I wish to continue this conversation, but I'm still working."

"Bye." She waved.

"Goodbye." I chuckled and walked back towards the counter to take some orders.

After taking some orders from some customers I checked the time to see it's a minute till five. I hanged my apron back on the hook and clocked out. I took out my grey hoodie from under the counter and wore it, especially now since it's late in November and I live in Illinois. I walked out the small light blue cafe and headed towards my white Honda Civic I had ever since I was seventeen. I drove home quickly and entered the house I been living in ever since I was a little girl. I park my car outside of the garage and stared at the two story, freshly coated with white paint 24 year old house.

I entered the house to smell the aroma my mother's favorite perfume when she was alive. Even the neighbors used to say when they pass the house they smelled a little whiff of vanilla. Now I make sure I stock up on the perfume and spray up the house like she never left. I just want her to know I haven't forgotten about her and that one day I'll be with her. But I knew that wasn't happening soon.

I walked up the staircase and passed my mother's room where her door is locked shut.

I walk past the two rooms that I had as a child and a teen and opened the door to my current room. I turned on the light to see my grey and black themed room in display. I looked around to see if anything was misplaced. I looked at my dresser and opened all of the drawers to see everything in place. I checked my whole room and bathroom to see no one has broken in. I took out my basketball shorts and tank top with my undergarments and took a shower.

After my warm shower and putting on my clothes, I headed downstairs to prepare dinner. I looked through the pantry and saw the ingredients to make my grandmother's famous pasta recipe.

After I ate a good amount, I put the leftovers in the refrigerator and went to my room and let sleep take over.



"Honey? Everything is going to be fine."


"Autumn look at me."

"Mommy where are you?"



"Autumn! Run"

"Why mom? I can't see anything."

"Autumn go!"

"I can't see!"




"Where are you mom?"

"Come back."

"Come back."

"Please come back. I need you... more than ever."

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