Twenty|| His Doings

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Autumn POV

I quickly grabbed the box and pushed it where the light was peeking out. I opened the chest and grabbed an empty journal and pen. I sat under the light and wrote down a title. "Save Me."

I opened to the first page and wrote.

Dear Diary,

Help me. I don't know how long till my insanity starts to creep in.

If anyone reads this in the mere future, my name is Autumn Night and I have two children their names is Cherish Night and Mathew Tommas. I have a boyfriend name Elijah Tommas, and I also have a friend named Isabela and her girlfriend Anna, take care of them please for their lives is at stake.

Only one person knows every single thing I've been through, that person has been there for me ever since I had gotten my first diary at the age of six. My friend. Friend if you're reading this, abandon me and help the people I love.

If I'm not found don't go looking, I will be fine.


-Autumn Night

I quickly shut the diary and threw it in the box shutting it closed.

"ISSAC!!" I screamed.


The door slams open presenting him in all his filthy glory.

"Yes sweetheart?"

"I thought of my second wish."

"Wow so quickly? Are you sure you don't want to think about it before saying it? You can't take back wishes."

"No. I know exactly what I want."

He sucked his teeth and said smoothly. "And what is your dear wish Ms. Night?"

"My wish, is that every question I ask you, you have to answer with the truth and only the truth."

"Alrighty then." He said and walked into the room.

I got up from the floor and sat on the chest.

"First question, why did you kill my mother?"

He smiled and looked at me. "I killed your mother because she didn't deserve to stay in this cruel world."

"What does that even mean?"

"Your mother got into very bad deals including me, she asked for your father to be brought back but she didn't do the end of the bargain."

I sat up from shock. "So- so does this mean, my father... he is alive?"

"No, I turned him into one of my kind but then your mother decided to rebel so I killed him, in front of her and his family, excluding you of course."

I slumped down in defeat. "What did she need to do?"

"Well, a life for another's right? So I told her to kill her sister and she will have her dear loving husband."

"Th-that's enough next question..." He interrupted me.

"I can tell you holding back from asking this question you wanted to know all your life, go away and ask." He taunted.

I took a deep breath and whispered. "How am I still alive?"

He chuckled walking back and forth rubbing his hands together. "The golden question, well dearie, get ready for a story." He paused and continued. ".. you see I'm a vampire and being a vampire comes with special abilities, for example immortality, I gave you an amount of my blood that keeps you from dying but doesn't transition you to becoming like me."

"I- I don't understand."

"Too bad."

"Why, did you make me immortal?"

"No reason at all, I love seeing you cry and die in your insanity, it pleases me."

"You're sick!" I yelled and stood up.

He glared at me, and the room seemed to go darker.

"Any more questions?"

"No, no more."

I pulled at my hair and rubbed my face.

May the lord be with me.

Issac's POV

I walked out of the chamber and smiled. Time for the torture.

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