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Everything with Elijah and I has been great, we haven't had any problems and my stomach is starting to grow.
Elijah has been working really hard on earning enough money.
We both dream about moving to a new house after some years the baby is born.

We both decided on waiting till the baby is born to know its gender, Im really anxious to see if Im having a boy or a baby girl. Isabela has been great she's friends with this new girl and I'm excited that she met new people and is growing around others slowly but surely.

Friend? What if something goes wrong? What if Isacc pops up again? I should stop worrying. But anyways I haven't wrote to you in so long. How are you? One day we have to meet! But I have to go Elijahs back from work.

Sincerely Autumn Night

8:03 pm


3 more months to go. I am terrified to say the least, but I'm not going to stress myself out. My back is killing me, I feel like a fat man, but in this case im pregnant. Never thought I would be writing or saying that word. Pregnant. It feels to good to be true you know? I feel like something horrible is going to happen, but let me not stress.

Elijah and I decided to move into my mothers home since we have more bedrooms, even with the secrets hidden behind the doors its still a lovely home! Wouldn't my mom be proud that im having a child and staying in her home? I hope she is.

Isabela has been hiding around for some reason, she's just been distance, I hope she's okay. Maybe you can talk to her, see if she's okay? Lets just hope the best, no need to stress...right?

Sincerely Autumn Night

3 pm


9 MONTHS PREGNANT!!! Im so excited that I couldn't even write a full sentence. The doctor never said anything about when the baby is suppose to be born but she did say in a few weeks, depending on the baby. Elijah has been extremely over protective, it just makes me love him more and more.

Isabela is in a relationship now. Her girlfriend, Anna, is a really nice girl. They make a cute couple. Elijah first had a problem with it but then he got around to it, thank god he didn't grow a hissy fit, oh that would've been terrible. But on greater news, I CANT WAIT!

I know it may seem fast because Elijah and I aren't married, but my life was at stake, if he understood, surely you would too. You've have been with me throughout everything and I thank you. Thank you so much.

Goodbye Friend, talk to you later

Sincerely Autumn Night

6 pm

Autumns POV

"Elijah?" I whispered facing him.

He hummed as a reply.

"It's been past 3 in a half weeks, what if something wrong with the baby?"

"Nothing is wrong with the baby honey," he sighed out and continued. "Just relax, god has a plan."

I felt something wet run down my legs.

Did I just pee on myself? On the same bed as Elijah? So embarrassing.

I felt a sharp pain on my stomach.

"Are you okay?" Elijah got up and took the covers off and looked down.

"Your water broke." He stated.

"My water broke."

"Your water broke..."

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