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After our little celebration I decided to head home before it became late. I dropped my purse and slammed the door and sat on the couch facing Issac.

"Finally, I thought I would have to pull you out of that house myself." He groaned.

"What do you want Issac and why are you here?"

"To be honest you should call me father, your mother and I were going to get married."

"You're disgusting, do I have to remind you, what you've done?"

"I already know, that's not the reason why I'm here."

"And your reason is?"

"You're going to get pregnant, either by me or your lover boy."

"What in the gods name are you talking about?" I said sitting up straighter.

"Before I continue on, just so you know, this is a demand, but anyways like I was saying, I need you to become pregnant."

"And why is that?"

"You're not getting any younger."

"Why should I have kids for you?"

"Let's cut through the chase, if you don't become pregnant by March, your lover boy is dead, and I will bring you his head on a platter, got it? Good."

I sat there shocked and confused, while he left the house slamming the door shut.

Why does he want me to become pregnant?

What does he mean I'm not getting any younger? I'm only twenty-three years old.

What am I going to do?

I decided to rest and maybe, just maybe, the answer will come tomorrow.



"Run". A voice whispered

I look around to see nothing but darkness.

"Run Autumn", the strangely familiar voice said louder.

I look around to find the source of the voice but end up empty handed.

"AUTUMN RUN!" The voice yelled again.

Why does that voice sound so familiar and what am I running from?

"GO!!" the voice cried out. I instantly knew who voice that belonged to, it belongs to me.

I look around trying to find a source a light, but nothing.




I heard stomping behind me, I immediately started running forward, I didn't know where I was going, didn't know where I was, but my feet had a mind on its own.


I ran faster.

"You don't have to be broken."

I continued on running and finally saw a light.

"You might see the light but let's see if you will reach it in time." A deep voice said and cackled.

I continued getting closer and closer towards the light but it felt like it was getting farther and father. I started to breath heavily and my pace slowly down.

"Please save US."


Keep. On. Going.

Keep, On, Going.

Keep on going.

I wiped the sweaty off my forehead and continued on running. I see the light getting closer and closer. I smile in victory and started sprinting.

"Your too late." the male voice whispered to me.

I felt a hand go around my neck and started to drag me back.

"NO!!NO!!NO!!" I screamed.

'I was almost there .If only I went faster.' I thought while staring at the light until I couldn't see it again.

-End of Dream-

I woke up from my bed sweaty and sticky.

I rubbed my eyes and dragged myself towards the bathroom.

I look in the mirror to see my hair knotted up, tear stains on my cheeks, and my eyes are red from the amount of tears I produced.

Iput both hands on my face and groaned, knowing today was going to be hellitself.tChild.W�Z-�%�

Broken (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now