5|Diary Of Thoughts|5

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March 1st 2000

Dear Diary,

Kids are meanies. Why do I say that? Okay ,I'll tell you, I've been getting bullied by my classmates ever since the Show And Tell.

I don't get it. Aren't we suppose to love eachother no matter if the person is different. We are all human.

Doesn't matter if your rich ,poor,young,old,small,tall,big,or skinny. Every deserves to be treated the way they treat people.

This world, isnt.. uhh how do I put this. This world doesn't like to help people unless they are getting something for it or they like to do stuff for themselves.

For example ,in the commercials, they tell us to save the earth,but people are still littering and not recycling. What's the use of saying we need to do something ,if no one's going to try.

One day ,this planet is going to become to tainted, we will all fall down, one by one.

But Shh don't tell my mommy I'm getting hurt at school, they don't hit my face so easier to hide the bruises. But it's our little promise.. okay.

Goodbye Friend!

6 pm

-Autumn Night ♡♡☆

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