Seventeen|| Wish

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Above and beyond the city lights.

When you can clearly see the stars in the moon's silver light.

Make a wish upon a shooting star.

And believe it will come true.
No matter who you are.

Above and beyond life's ups and downs.

Never greet the world with a spiteful frown.

Face everything thing on this planet with a confident smile.

One person's happiness can stretch as long as a mile.

Try to keep those negative thoughts burried deep.
As if they were underground.

I hope that takes some weight off of your shoulders.
Atleast a couple pounds.

Above and beyond heartache and pain.

Know from this experience,there will be gain.

Let that comfort you.

Your love and effort was not in vain.

Above and beyond anger and hate.

Look for a happy thought.

A special time or date.

Or maybe that funny time when you were eight
Calmy handle conflicts.

The answer it clear.

The way to handle problems is to talk to your peers.

Not fighting or spitting.

Because that just shows your fear.

Above and beyond everyone else.
Stop for a moment and think about yourself.

Because you are the most important person you could ever help.
-Jayla Spencer


Do I... have hope that I will find my son? Yes.

Do I... desire he would be brought back to me? Yes.

Do I... have a goal once I find my son? No.

Is it my...wish, or dream come true to find my son? Yes.

Do I...often mix reality with fantasy? Yes.

Do I... anticipate things to happen? Yes.

Do I... think there's a possibility on finding my son? No.


Why, am I thinking all of these... expectations, to happen when I know I will not see my son in a very long time?

Why am I mixing reality with fantasy?

Why am I wishing these things never happened to me, when I could have just said something, anything to a police officer?

Why am I having faith, when I know the man that took my son away from me, is a cruel worthless being?

Why now, do I feel so broken?

I looked at the words I typed up on my laptop and sighed.

Why am I so weak? I questioned myself.

I got up from the chair and walked towards the window.

Do shooting stars really make wishes come true?

To my luck a shooting star flew past and I quickly made my wish.

I wish that my whole family would be reunited again.

But I should have known to be careful of what I wished for.

Its been weeks, no sign of Mathew. I pray he isn't hurt. As long as he isn't hurt than I can only thank God himself. What happens if I run into Issac again? Will I make a deal to trade myself in? Or will plead for him to give me my son? In the stories everyone says "do not plead towards your enemy or they will use it against you." But do I care? No. I looked at Cherish's blue eyes and soft brown hair and cooed at her. She slowly closes her eyes and fall into a blissful sleep. I hold onto her longer enjoying the moment of being mother. My baby. I thought.

Elijahs POV

"What do you mean trade?" I hissed at Issac.

He smirked saying. "Trade," he paused. "an exchange of one item for another."

I rubbed my face roughly and sighed in defeat. "I'll trade myself in exchange for my son."


Autumn POV

"Do you think he's working overtime?" Isabela pestered in.

"If he was he would have called me."

"Maybe he forgot." Anna commented.

I laughed it off. "Your right." I sighed out. "Im over reacting like a married house wife."

"Its fine everyone over reacts, if Isabela wasn't answering my phone calls, I would go crazy."

I hear the door open to see Elijah walking in with a grim face.

I jump out the couch and engulfed him with an embrace. "Are you okay?"

"Yes, just got held back at work."

"Let me run you a hot bath." I locked my lips with his and walked upstairs in my bathroom starting the bath.

I need a new job. I cant sit around letting Elijah do the work. It just makes me feel like the gold digging housewives.

I turned off the bath as it was ¾ done and called Elijah up.

"I feel like we're living in the 60's." He murmured.

"And why is that?"

"You know.. in the movies the man comes home and the wife runs him a bath, makes him dinner." He commented while taking off his clothing.

"That is true, but I feel guilty, your doing all of this work and im just home taking care of our daughter and I feel like I can be better use, you know?" I questioned him.

He kissed the top of my head and entered the bath. "You, have nothing to worry about, if you want a job then I'll help you, but for now...."

"I know, I know, Im on maternity leave, no working for a while." I interrupted him.

I left the bathroom and went downstairs to see Isabela and Anna on the phone.

"I really don't feel like making dinner tonight. Does Chinese sound good?"

Anna POV

I walked upstairs to fetch a book to read. I past Autumns room hearing Elijah whispering.

"What do you mean by soon?"

There was a brief pause.

"Issac we had a deal no more tricks."

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