4|Diary Of Thoughts|4

58 10 2

February 19th 2000

Dear Diary,

Today mother introduced me to her boyfriend. For some reason it didn't seem right, when my mom smiled ,it didn't reach her eyes, it looked like she was asking for help so I asked her if she's happy and the man glared at me and said of course she's happy, go to your room child.

I looked at my mother and she told me to go. So I ran up the stairs went into my room and locked the door and took out my diary.

I don't like this man, I feel like he's doing something to mommy, I hope she's okay or I hope I'm imagining things cause I can't imagine my mother getting hurt.

I would never forgive myself if something happened to my mom.

She's the air I breath, she's the one that gave me life. She shouldn't be suffering ,if she is.
I hope I'm wrong about this, but deep down I know I'm saying the truth.

Oh mother is calling me.
See you soon friend!!

P.S - If your going through something, don't worry, talk to me... I'll be here.


9 pm

-Autumn Night ☆♡

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