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I woke up and looked down to see the blood gone. I nearly forgot that I couldn't die. I take a look at my arm to the scars barely there.

'Aww, she thought she would be at peace.' The voice in my head said.

'Such commentary. Honey you're stuck like this.'

"Leave me alone." I whispered.

I washed myself quickly in the shower and put on an all-black outfit to hide the body. I walk back into my room to see the body and blood gone!

Oh no, oh no don't tell me I lost a body for Christ sake!!

I gripped my light brown hair with red highlights and started pacing back and forth. Okay Autumn breath, breath, just breath, where would you be if you were a dead body. In a coffin, tomb, sea, basement.

"Oh no, oh no!!"

I look towards the right to see my window wide open. I walk closer to my window and look down to see nothing there. I look up to see Elijah looking at me wide eyed. He lifted up his window and said "I thought you didn't know who lived here."

"Mm, well I don't tell strangers where I live sorry."

"So who's the guy?"


"The guy that left this morning."

"OH, just a friend." Didn't know a rapist could be your friend.

"I was expecting him to be your boyfriend or something."

"Hell no!!"

"Wow language missy."

"Oh gosh I am so sorry."

"Its fine, hell isn't even a bad word." He chuckled.


"Go out with me."

"Excuse me?"

"Go out with me."

"Sorry, I don't date."

"I never said it was a date."

"It's just I don't get attached to people."

"Then try something new."

I heard my front door open and close.

"Sorry I got to go, bye."

I closed the window and ran downstairs and collide with him.

"Who where you talking to?" He asked.

"No one."

"Bullshit!!" He yelled.

"It was no one."

He grabbed me by the neck and lifted me up.

"Don't think, just because you tried to kill yourself last night doesn't mean I feel pity for you."

I felt my eyes roll back until he dropped me on the floor.

"Also, pack your things, you will be living with me."

After I started breathing normally, I looked at him like he was crazy.


"What did you say?" He said.

"I will not live with you. Over my dead body."

He grabbed my arm and pushed my body on the wall.

"I don't care, your living with me. End of discussion." He said.

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